Take for granted? Never!


It is believed that a leap years brings in something special with that one extra day. While for some people it may or may not work but it has proved to be truly apt for the most talented and everyone’s favorite actor Leonardo Dicaprio. Yep, finally Leo bags 2016 best actor Oscar for his film ‘The Ravenant’. Victory came his way after good forty years of sheer hard work and dedication. Believe me Leo, the entire world had been waiting for this epic moment since something that seems forever. The magical night of Oscars had all the glitters and glitz still something that came out shining like a Pole star was undoubtedly Leo’s winning speech. Brilliant it was, neither under the notch nor over the top. The entire Oscar acceptance speech won everyone’s heart but there was this line from his speech that caught a more attention of mine and it said, “Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted“. True words! They made me think of all the things that we as humans have been taking for granted for years. Things that need to be valued and treasured, cherished and respected; may be more than anything else. Yet we take them for granted, unfortunately! Let’s just bring our attention to all those things for a while:

  1. Parents and family had to be on the top of my list for obvious reasons. Parents and their unconditional love towards us is absolutely a true bliss. They constantly work hard, make sacrifices just to secure our future. Nobody can love us the way our parents and family do. They should never be taken for granted as they are the only ones who love us selflessly.
  2. Environment- Humans have this nature of taking things for granted that they get for free. It’s high time they should realize that air, water and sunlight that they need for survival are not free of cost, in fact are priceless. It’s our duty to conserve our planet for our future generations and not take it for granted.
  3. Love, friendship- Do not adulterate the purity of true love and friendship. Lucky are those who have people around to love and support them. Friends are the family we choose. So respect that love and friendship because true relationships are something we can always count upon.
  4. Wisdom and power- Wisdom and power don’t come to an individual automatically. You have to earn them. Never take them for granted. Wisdom is to be shared and power should be used to support others rather than to influence them. At the end only positive motives persist.
  5. Money- Money is the means that support our living. No matter how well off you are, always respect and value money as what you have today may not be with you tomorrow. Be grateful for what you have because not everyone is as blessed as you are.