
Business performance analysis with graphs

Every year Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducts RBI Grade B Officer Exam to select eligible candidates for the position of Grade B officer in its various branches across the country. Thousands of aspirants apply every year for these positions as it is a reputed job profile along with an excellent pay package.

The vacancies are limited and thus competition is very intense. Selection happens through a country-wide competitive Examination in three phases i.e. Preliminary and Main examination followed by an Interview.

Selection List for this Year has been announced. As per official notice, mark sheets and category wise cut – off marks for the above recruitment (phase-ii and interview), will be displayed on RBI website within 15 working days from the declaration of this result.
One could check the result on RBI had conducted the Paper II exam on 15th and 16th September 2018. Selected candidates had appeared for Interview round conducted in last week of October 2018 to January 2019.
Number of vacancies for which interview was conducted were 166.

Details of the same:

What’s In For Next Year?

Looking at the trend- the number of vacancies this year could be around 130-140. The exam has been competitive, and students usually take around 2-3 attempts to clear the examination. The course requires extensive knowledge of topics related to finance and economics. Thus preparation requires a good amount of time and coaching.