My Learnings by Shantanu Tiwari


In the first  session off TYE, where I  got opportunity to meet Mr Satya Narayan, the  founder of Career Launcher and also learnt the first but important lesson for the Entrepreneur ship.

  1. Out of Box Thinking : The start of any entrepreneur venture is through  Out of Box thinking. Any idea which is new, unique and  can make life more convenient has got the maximum  chances of success.
  2. Risk taking & mitigating abilities : Any new  venture is  full of risks at all stages in the initial 2-3 years. Many business fails   because the   entrepreneur lacks in finding mitigation for the risks faced by them. The entrepreneur should  have an open mind and should strategize his operations in such a way that he should have plan B available in case  of plan A failure  Success shall come subsequently.
  3. Entrepreneur should evolve continuously  and should try to find all the ways and means to attain his goals. The entrepreneurship does not  have a fixed  path. Each entrepreneur faces & tackles problems in different ways.
  4. Entrepreneur should not lose patience and be afraid of failure. Failure is the first step to success as it gives first hand experience of different scenarios.
  5. Entrepreneurship is all about innovation and its successful execution.
  6. Entrepreneurship does not have any age. It is a way of  life and not just an ability to manage a company.


Contributed by Shantanu Tiwari, Class XII student


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