Career opportunities after CLAT


Law is a very admirable profession. The opportunities that come with it are endless. And, because of the Government’s rapid introduction of new regulations and rules, the demand for legal professionals is only increasing.

The first step to becoming a lawyer is to graduate from a good law institute. And this isn’t a problem for a country like India. There are many brilliant law schools in India that churn out top lawyers every year. National Law Universities (NLUs) is one such example; a renowned group of institutes that offers admission to law aspirants through Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) exam. The fulfilling career opportunities in private sector, corporate management, etc., are some of the perks of owning a law degree. Read further to find out about the many opportunities that awaits a law graduate’s fruitful future.

*CLAT 2019 exam will be held on May 26th (re-scheduled), 2019, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.


The Career Opportunities after CLAT

ICLS (Indian Corporate Law Services)

Traditionally, ICLS exam comes under the Central Civil Services examination. To land a job in the Indian Corporate Law Services, one must first crack the Civil Services Examination (held by UPSC). It’s a respected and highly sought career option of the law graduates. There are similar Law Services jobs in the state level as well that follows the same pattern of clearing a common exam conducted at the state level.

Law firms

Law firms are partnerships formed by the coming together of lawyers who offer their legal expertise to the clients under one brand. There many law firms in India that are blooming wonderfully. These law firms also participate in college campus placements. Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co, Khaitan & Co, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, Trilegal, these are among many, some of the best law firms in India. These firms offer attractive packages, and select individuals with skills and experience. Working with them is ‘the dream’ for most law students.

Law Professor/Lecturer

Teaching profession never goes out of fashion. Lecturer/professor as a profession is a very lucrative career path. As the demand and popularity of law practitioners are increasing, the demand for law professors are equally increasing. Graduate level professors are paid handsomely and highly respected. So, if you’re into teaching and imparting academic knowledge, this is a very attractive profession line.

Corporate Sector Jobs

Corporates are giants when it comes to jobs. Due to the fast growth of these private companies, the need for hiring is equally escalating. Most big companies have their own legal department. This means they need lawyers to handle the legal affairs for their company. Hence, this is another very bright career option. Aside from the corporate sector, other sectors like PSUs (Public Sector Undertaking) and banks also hire lawyers.


A very obvious career option is becoming a judge. In order to be qualified as a judge, one must clear the State Level Judiciary Exams. On clearing the exams, as a fresh law graduate, they are appointed as entry-level judges. Gradually one becomes a High Court judge with time and experience.

Aside from writing the judiciary exam, an alternative path to be appointed as a judge is through an advocate profession. However, appointment in High Court by first being an advocate may take longer than appointment through state level judiciary exams.


As you can understand, the career opportunities for Law graduates are all sorts of rewarding. The first wall to break is the CLAT exam. With good CLAT scores, one can get into top law schools and watch the rest fall into place. Thus, scoring the maximum score in CLAT is first baby but crucial step in your law journey. With law, career opportunities are glorious. All the very best for CLAT 2019!