Sutras to crack SSC Mains Examination

Sutras to crack SSC Mains
Sutras to crack SSC Mains

Dear Aspirants,

As you are through with the SSC’ Preliminary examination-2015 and must be anxiously waiting for the declaration of Preliminary examination held on 9th and 16th of August 2015 respectively, there are some common mistakes that many aspirants generally commit during this critical time period before the declaration of the pre result. Here are some SUTRAS that can help you immensely in ensuring your success in the ensuing SSC Mains examination.

  1. Please DONOT wait for Pre result to come out while starting the preparation for the mains examination.
  2. Start preparing for the mains examination quickly after you are through with the Pre examination (already 19 days have lapsed!!) as it is understood that you have really prepared hard for the Pre examination and you must be quite sure about succeeding the prelims.
  3. As you all know that in Mains ONLY English and Quant is tested, so the first thing that you must do is quickly go through the syllabus of these subjects as given in the notification, analyse very thoroughly as to what are your strong and what are your weak areas in both the subjects respectively.
  4. Be very clear as to what exactly is your weak areas of concern, do a microanalysis of these subjects, as soon as you arrive at the conclusion, please use all the resources to master the area by solving as many questions as possible available to you on that particular area / topic.
  5. In this process of mastering your weak areas , if you strongly feel the need to revisit the concept , please do that and use standard resources in doing that. Ensure that the so perceived ‘weak areas’ turns into ‘strong areas’. This is the real area of HARD WORK, so do your level best to convert ‘WEAK’ into ‘Strong’, areas. Take help of Faculty, Conceptual Books, Friends and Help from Internet, You tube and various other useful websites to master the areas of your concern.
  6. In order to strengthen your fundamentals, PRACTICE, as much as questions from standard sources , like Funda books , Class exercises, and other standard resources.
  1. Last but NOT the least, please start practicing quality mocks on daily basis once you are through with the building of Fundamentals and practicing questions as much as possible.

Kindly do take the mock(s) at the actual designated time of the actual Main examination so that you are acclimatised to the actual examination scenario and gradually you start performing at your best within that particular time period.

  1. Please solve mocks at your discretion, it can be 1 or 2 in a day depending upon your level of preparedness and willingness to do the mocks, but please ENSURE that you analyse the MOCKS You must see the solution of the mocks given at the answers and explanation section, see both the type of questions and their solutions , the ones you are able to solve easily and the ones which you could not solve , learn if there are any short cuts involved in solving the questions and internalise them .

In ensuring that you stick to achieve your goal , would like to quote Swami Vivekananda who said ‘Arise , Awake and Stop NOT till the goal is reached.’

At the end, we are very sure if you follow the above given advises thoroughly then, SUCCESS is bound to follow.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome!!

Wish You All The Very Best !!


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    • Dear Suraj,
      Thanks for the query and apologies for the late response. Here are some suggestions that can be of help to you.
      1. Read one good national newspaper. Mark at least 5 new words on daily basis. Get a good dictionary like OXFORD’s Advanced Learners Dictionary and understand the meaning of the word in ENGLISH preferably from the dictionary.
      2. Use the NEW word in different sense like , Advice and Advisory , create new sentences based on the words. WORK with the NEW words in and out completely.
      3. Use etymological way ( Root of the word) based learning, you can refer to a book , “All About Words” by Nunberg and Rosenblum.
      4. You can refer to WORD POWER BY NORMAN LEWIS.
      I hope if you PRACTICE the above mentioned suggestions then you will see significant improvement in your VOCABULARY.
      All The Best!
      TEAM CL