ASCI to develop skills and attitude for the students to face the VUCA World: Creates the future leaders in the field of Management


The Administrative staff college of India (ASCI), established in 1956 at the initiative of the government and the corporate sector, the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad, located in the heart of city Banjara Hills has pioneered post-experience management education in India. ASCI equip corporate managers, administrators, entrepreneurs and academicians with the skills to synthesize managerial theory and practice; and respond to the ever-increasing complexity of managerial issues confronting the government, industrial enterprises and non-government organizations like education, administration, management and governance spanning a wide variety of sectors like agriculture, banking, engineering, economics, judiciary, law, manufacturing, science and technology and public administration. It is an institution of excellence and national importance. 

ASCI is allocated as a subject to the Department of Higher education, as per Second Schedule to the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 and Research and Consultancy in ASCI were established in 1973 with a grant from Ford Foundation. Many ASCI reports have resulted in the development of policies of the Government of India and regular assignments from Industry, UN Organizations and Multilateral organizations, which is a testament to ASCI’s good quality of work. ASCI is the trusted partner of many reputed international organizations like ADB, World Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UCLA extension. In the last 65 years of our existence, we have made a mark in training civil servants and executives in the industry through 200 management development programmes every year with 1,50,000 alumni in industry and in services many of whom are now CEOs and CMDs in large industry/ corporate bodies. 

ASCI has launched the two-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) programme, approved by AICTE in 2019. The unique feature of this programme is that it allows dual specialization in functional areas of management like Marketing, Human Resources Management, Business Analytics & Artificial intelligence. The programme is designed and delivered by the best teachers and trainers of ASCI who have shaped top executives in many corporations and also for preparing managers for high growth sectors of the economy. ‘Industry Connect’ programme initiated by ASCI – PGDM helps the students to interact with industry leaders frequently. The college has rich domain expertise and a wealth of proven experience in capacity building and research & consultancy services. The Clubs like Start-up Hyderabad has an ecosystem by collaborating with organisations such as T-Hub, CCMB-AIC, TSIIC along with Digital India Club, Make in Hyderabad Club and Corporate social responsibility clubs.  The first-ever batch in August 2021, with the students, had the highest salary being Rupees 11.0 Lakhs Per Annum. The College had a 100% successful placement record, with its students obtaining positions at over 18 companies, including flagship companies such as AIRTEL, Amazon, Byju’s, Capgemini, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, GAP, Swiggy, etc. In addition, ASCI reported a successful culmination of the Summer Internship Programme, with a 100% internship placement. The highest stipend for the summer interns was Rupees 60,000, and an average stipend of Rs. 14,500. Over 30 companies participated in the Internship Programme, representing a mixture of top-line public and private sector companies.

Located in the heart of the city, this green campus has full-fledged, air-conditioned conference/lecture rooms with well equipped 30 high-end terminals for conducting business simulation and analytics lab using the latest software tools and high-speed Wi-Fi enabled campus. ASCI have the finest library with a rich Audio-Visual resource on various aspects of functional, sectoral and general management. It is a hybrid library with over 80,000 books, journals and databases which offers services such as reference services, research support, circulation, document delivery, databases training support, online catalogue, selective dissemination of information, current awareness services by providing new arrivals of books.

Testimonial by First Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, during his visit to the college on 23rd Oct, 1958.

‘I have been hearing about this Administrative staff college for some time – in fact, since before it started… I need not tell you how important I feel this institution is, not because it is the first in Asia or third in the world, but because obviously, it performs a task which is of high importance in the present stage of our country – perhaps other countries too.’

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