Which section should I attempt first in IBPS Clerk Main?


I am sure a lot of you must have seen the All India IBPS Clerk Main Open Mock and felt the heat of the examination. After each test, it is very important to analyze your performance in the exam. A preparation without the practice and analysis is an incomplete preparation. Those who would have done or are yet to do, here is the answer for one of the biggest questions that most of the aspirants look for –

First of all, you have to be very sure about attempting all the 5 sections otherwise there is no point in writing the examination. We should not forget that we are dealing with sectional cut offs as well. So, out of the five sections, the most time consuming sections are Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning whereas General Awareness and Computer Knowledge are the least ones. On an average, these two categories of sections should be given 30 minutes and 10-12 minutes respectively for each of the sections. English Language can be attempted in 25 minutes. Now, the most logical way of attempting the paper is –

Since, you are about to start the paper and you have no time pressure on your mind, you should go for a section which requires more time. So, you should be going with either Quantitative Aptitude or Logical Reasoning. By the time, you are done with one of these sections, you must definitely built some pressure and to ease out that you should be attempting the second category section which requires lesser time like General Awareness or Computer Knowledge.

At this point, you have balanced your attempt and now you can afford to go again for the time consuming section and should go with the one left among Quantitative Aptitude or Logical Reasoning. Now, as soon as you are done with this, you should be going for English Language section as leaving it for the last might create some pressure on you. So, go ahead with English Language and at last you should be going with the easy section left among General Awareness or Computer Knowledge.

This creates a balance between the difficult and easy sections, thereby ensuring that you have attempted all the sections. It also helps you in handling the pressure that you develop during the examination.




  1. I would suggest different approach.1st finish General awareness and computer awareness in 10 mins each.Then complete as much in English 20 mins. So we wud hv finished 3 sections in 40 mins.This helps in reducing pressureof time constraint. now we can attempt Quant and logical reasoning in 40 mins each giving us enough time to answer and with less pressure.

    • Hi Kuntal,

      I agree with you. The approach that you are suggesting must have definitely worked for you but from a student’s perspective and from mass point of view, quant and reasoning are considered to be tougher sections and if one leaves the tougher sections for the last moments then there are good chances he might lose out on time or might not have enough energy to handle the pressure created by these tougher sections. I am sure you would agree with the fact that as soon as we pass through the time in the examination, our efficiency reduces which can seriously hamper the performance in these tougher sections which require more energy and high efficiency.

      Still, I appreciate your suggestion.