RBI Assistant 2014 Exam Analysis


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducted its first round of online examination for recruitment for the post of Assistant across the country on September 24, 2014.


The 200 questions had to be answered in 2 hours. There were five sections viz. Reasoning, English Language, Numerical Ability, General Awareness and Computer Knowledge. Other than the section on English Language, all the other sections were available bilingually, that is, in both English and Hindi. Each question had 5 options and carried one mark. 0.25 marks will be deducted for every incorrect answer.


The details of the individual sections are given below:


Section Total Questions Level of Difficulty Good Attempts Good Score Approximate Time Taken (In Minutes)
Reasoning 40 Moderate – Difficult 30 25-27 30
English Language 40 Easy 35 32-33 25
Numerical Ability 40 Easy –Moderate 30-32 28-30 30
General Awareness 40 Moderate-Difficult 24-28 20 20
Computer Knowledge 40 Moderate 32-35 27-30 15
Total 200   160-165 145-150 120

Expected Cut-offs


Section General SC/ST/PWD OBC
Reasoning 14-16 11-13 12-14
English Language 14-16 11-13 12-14
Numerical Ability 14-16 11-13 12-14
General Awareness 14-16 11-13 12-14
Computer Knowledge 14-16 11-13 12-14



This section primarily saw moderate level of questions. A student should have attempted a minimum of 30 questions.


The details of the section are as follows:


Topic Number of Questions (Approx.)
Blood Relation 3
Arrangement 3
Mathematical Inequalities 5
Number Series 3
Data Sufficiency 5
Symbol Based Series 4
Direction 2
Syllogism 5
Circular Arrangement 10


English Language


This section was dominated by Grammar and Vocabulary. There was one Reading Comprehension passage with 10 questions. The questions in this section were fairly easy. A student could have easily attempted all the questions in this section.


The details of the section are as follows:


Topic Number of Questions (Approx)
Reading Comprehension 1 (10 questions)
Error Spotting 5
Sentence Correction 5
Cloze Test 10
Para Jumble 5


Numerical Ability


Arithmetic dominated this section. In general, the difficulty level was easy to moderate. The details of the section are as follows:


Topic Number of Questions (Approx)
Simplification 20
Distance, Time and Speed 1
DI 5
SI and CI 2
Time and Work 1
Pipe and Cistern 1
Average 1-2
Number Series 5
Problem on Boat and Stream 1
Mensuration 2-3


General Awareness


The maximum number of questions in this section was from Banking and Economy. Some questions from Current Affairs were also asked. This section was of moderate difficulty level.


Computer Knowledge


This section comprised questions of moderate difficulty level based on basic knowledge of computers. The main areas from which questions were asked are: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), Networking, Hardware and Software.


Disclaimer: All information on cut-offs, analysis, answer key and scores are based on independent analysis and evaluation made by Career Launcher. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.


All the best! 
Team CL



  1. What will be the expected cut off this year for the rbi exam…..?? Last year it was 142 for delhi gen candidates……do you think that this year the icut off will come down…??