Digital Learning Framework in Primary Schools


Digital learning framework is an adaptation of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework. It has been initiated in schools for embedding digital technologies into teaching, learning, and assessment practices. The framework is for students and teachers in a high quality 21st century education system. With digital electronics we mean electronic tools, systems, devices, and the resources which stores and processes data that includes social media, multimedia, cloud computing and mobile devices. It aims at providing clarity for school leaders and education providers to create a shared vision of how technology can be embedded into teaching and can meet the needs of all learners.

The framework is enrolling out to all schools and is accompanied by Digital Learning Planning Guidelines which will keep track of the development of a whole school Digital Learning Plan. Its implementation was initially trailed in a cross sectoral representative sample of approximately 30 primary schools and 20 post primary schools in 2017/2018. The ultimate goal of Digital Learning (DL) Planning Guidelines is to guide schools in collaborating digital technologies in all the areas of school activity. The Guidelines are applicable to both primary and post-primary schools. This is initiated to monitor on the current practices in various schools and for the identification of areas where the practice can be enhanced further, leading to development of DL plan.


Advantages of DL Plan

This technique unfolds with a number of advantages. They are-

  • It fosters better teaching and learning experience with great amount of student involvement.
  • It helps in generating internal discussions on how embedding technologies can provide a source of improvements in teaching and learning.
  • The Framework will add a significant dimension to the whole school plan.
  • Will make the learner’s experience provoking and foster deeper learning of concepts
  • It enhances the teaching approaches which facilitate the creation of innovative way to build and share knowledge among peers.
  • Helps schools and teachers to identify, address the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs, and help the Department and support services to cater to their needs.
  • It will help schools as a whole to establish how digital technologies are currently being used, and to look after the areas where improvement can be made.
  • This is not just limited to schools but is also extended to teachers/education providers. According to the framework, individual teacher or group of teachers can use it to reflect their own professional practice.
  • This also provide the students the chance of being self-reliant and motivated in their approach of learning.


Digital Learning Planning Cycle

Digital Learning Planning Cycle involves 6 steps.

  1. Identify focus

Schools must be familiar with the DL Framework. Among the 32 standards, the school should identity the standard(s) that it wishes to focus.

  1. Gather evidence

Once they are done with identification of the standards, the school should commence the gathering of evidence which demonstrates the level that school is currently running on.

  1. Analyse and make judgements

Having gone through all the evidences, the school then draws conclusions and make judgements by comparing between- the existing practices and the highly effective practices of DL plan.

  1. Write and share report and improvement plan

After the completion of the first 3 process, the school creates their DL model and it includes two parts –

  • Part 1 – contains the vision for the use of DL Plan.
  • Part 2 – describes how the DL practices will improve over a specific period of time.
  1. Put improvement plan into action

After the implementation, the scope of improvement is initiated.

  1. Monitor actions and evaluate impact

The actions must be monitored constantly to evaluate the impact on learning, teaching, and assessment completion.


Out of these, the first 3 steps form the investigation phase, and 4 to 6 focus on the creation, implementation, and evaluation of the DL plan.