CBSE Class XII results 2017

CBSE class XII results 2017!

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced its results for Class 12.

Students can check their results on the official website of CBSE.

How to check CBSE Class 12 Boards result 2017?

To check their results students can go through these steps:

  • Log on to the official websites mentioned by The CBSE;
  • There would be a tab for “CBSE Class XII Results 2017” (or a similar tab);
  • Click on the tab and enter your roll number;
  • Click on the submit button (and here is your result);
  • Download the result so that you can take print out for future references.

A total of 10, 98,981 candidates from across 10,678 schools are expecting their CBSE Class 12 results this year in 2017. This is a 2.82% increase from the number of students who appeared last year. The CBSE class 12 exams for various streams continued from 9th of March to 29th of April this year.  Due to a delay in the CBSE Class XII results 2017 already, CBSE is announcing the CBSE class XII results 2017 for all its regions simultaneously.

This delay has created an anxiety among students and their parents because DU has already started their admission process for UG courses on 22nd May. Now,with results to be expected soon we sure students and their parents are relieved that finally it is coming.

We wish you all good luck!