Careers In LAW – Learning Beyond Borders: Indian Law Schools And Exchange Programs


In a world has been inching towards a global industry in all spheres to meet the growing requirements of this fast emerging global community, it is imperative for institutions to prepare graduates who are aware of this world reality and are able to take the challenges of diversity head on. Indian law schools are doing just that. A recent MOU between Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University, Lucknow and Birmingham Law School will help them collaborate in various kinds of exchange programmes which involves student exchange and the exchange of faculty and research scholars. The two schools also plan on conducting joint conferences, workshops, seminars and debates. Many other prestigious Indian law schools too have tie-ups with Law schools from abroad.

NLSIU Bangalore has student exchange tie-ups with 30 colleges around the world, including renowned schools such as Duke University’s School of Law, National University of Singapore and Georgetown. NLU Delhi too has agreements with top notch schools like Kings College, U.K. for academic staff exchange and various other schools like the University Of Alabama School Of Law for exchange of students, faculty, legal research and academic programs. NALSAR has a good exchange network, having top ranked universities and institutions like the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Warwick, Kings College and the University of New South Wales as its exchange partners among others.

These exchanges help the students of Indian law schools to gain tremendous experience and exposure which leads to holistic growth and improved adaptability. It will also help students understand the shifting world realities with a more comprehensive point of view. From the educational point of view, inflow of visiting faculty and research scholars will add to the quality of education being imparted here in India and the two way exchange of knowledge, research and academic programmes will revolutionize teaching methods.

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