Anticipating your first Law entrance exam this year after Board exams? Learn to balance your preparation for Board exams and Law entrance exams. Try these out to prepare for your first Law entrance exam.
Let’s consider you’ve made up your mind, put your best efforts and decided to sit for your first law entrance exam. You must now, be mentally prepared to kick start your efforts towards building a career in law. Read, have you ever wondered the purpose of Law school? Law education is like an ocean of knowledge and information, ever growing.
Once you have decided to start preparing for law entrance, it’s time to get to work. We at CL LST have been guiding, observing aspirants start and succeed in this journey a million times. This post is to share various techniques which have been proven to mould students to achieve results and eventually transform them into lawyers. A lot of people say that there is no one single method of preparation for your law exam and I totally agree with them. Everyone has their understanding of the way they perceive facts and figures but, it takes time to develop a pattern and to get into that comfort zone.
So, until you get hold of your strengths and weaknesses, let’s look at a few common tips that have helped other law aspirants prepare for their first law entrance exam. When practiced in the right way, one or more of these could have a huge impact on your law preparation.
- Preparing for your first law entrance exam – Make the most of your reading time: Reading is one of the basic requirements for a law aspirant and professional. Learn 10 ways to develop reading habit. From law books to case studies, you are advised to go through anything even remotely related to law. You may note that it will not stop after the law entrance. Post law school admission, most students read through cases to save themselves from classroom embarrassment. A typical day might include downloading briefs from the internet,but, until you start working and reading alongside, you’re basically wasting your time. Making your own briefs despite struggling with context will help you in the long run and help you gain confidence. With reading, you can start preparing for the law exam and a law career too.
- Subjects for law entrance: One should be well aware of not only the exam pattern but also the subjects for law entrance preparation. Read, English section tips and strategy to for Law entrance exams. English, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Maths or Numerical Ability, Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning are the core subjects of study. Read, GK preparation mantras for Law Entrance exams. These are common to almost every law entrance including CLAT, AILET, SET, LSAT, MH-CET & more. Read, Legal Aptitude prep ladder for CLAT & AILET takers.
- Study Aids are a blessing for entrance preparation: When you have information flooding your mind, you need to simplify the details and before the law exam. You may join a law coaching program or opt for self-study programs. Regardless of the mode of preparation, get into the habit of solving multiple choice questions, to boost your brainstorming ability. Keep yourself updated with GK and vocabulary to score in GK and verbal sections of CLAT. Download LST app for free GK tests and updates.
- Practice with tests: Who says studying from books and prep materials is all that you need? Even an athlete goes through tests, despite the strict discipline and health-related practices before a major event. Similarly, taking a series of practice tests before your law exam is necessary to refresh your mind and give you an insight into the actual challenge coming your way. Such practice tests also show the test pattern, which is especially important when you are appearing for the first time. These Practice Mock Tests are truly the hero-in-disguise for any topper cracking a major competitive law exam.
- Talk to law graduates, mentors and counsellors : Talking to someone who has already taken an entrance law exam is a good way to understand the process and get a first person point of view about the same. Nothing is ever better than personal experiences and talking to someone who’s actually experienced it first-hand. It can not only help you get valuable tips and tricks but also help you relax and boost your confidence.
So, stop worrying about your first law exam and start preparing for the same. That way you’ll always be better prepared for what lies ahead. Till then, prepare well, stay connected and soldier on!
Do leave your thoughts on how you’d like to or have started to prepare for your first law entrance…
Can a person start preparing now for clat,17 along with 12 class boards
Dear Divyansh, you can always start you CLAT preparation with boards exam. Please find the tips here
I think its important to understand the basics of the law entrance exam because its the fundamental concepts that will decide command over Advance topics in Law.
And for that one should make their basics strong.