Upcoming banking entrance exams!

Upcoming banking entrance exams

With banking jobs offering lucrative pay and perks, fresh graduates are moving towards banking and other Govt. jobs. While they aspire for banking jobs, they face many doubts like what are the next banking entrance exams, when will IBPS conduct recruitment for RRB/PO/SO/CLERK during the year and the coming year, what is the schedule of upcoming bank exams etc.

In order to iron out all your doubts, we bring to you upcoming banking entrance exams in December 2016 and January 2017.

Following is the list of upcoming bank exams:

Exam conducting body Exam name Approx. vacancy/openings Exam date
IDBI IDBI ASSISTANT MANAGER POST 1500 Last date 9th December 2016
SBI SBI SO Recruitment 103 Last date 12th December 2016
RBI RBI Grade-B Research position 221 16th December 2016.
IBPS IBPS CWE Clerk VI (Main exam) 22000-25000 31st December 2016 and 1st January 2017
IBPS IBPS CWE SO VI 3000-4000 28 AND 29 JANUARY 2017


Let’s discuss in detail:

IBPS: The leading autonomous organization IBPS is conducting exam for IBPS CWE Clerk VI (Main exam) on 31st December 2016 and 1st January 2017, IBPS CWE SO VI on 28th and 29th January 2017. Minimum education qualification required is Graduation. The exam pattern and difficulty level of questions are different in each exams. Read, Changes in IBPS exams. To boost your preparation, you can enroll for CL’s classroom program, online banking classes, also if you are looking for a convenient way to prepare CL’s banking e-book is also a good option.

RBI: The Reserve Bank of India is conducting RBI Grade B exam for research position in India. Aspirants can apply before 16th December 2016. Minimum education qualification required is Graduation. Gear up your RBI grade b exam preparation with CL’s RBI Grade B Programs.

Due to business expansion, the requirement of the staff in banks is increasing year by year but you will not be able to know the exact number of bank jobs in the year 2017- 2018 at this point of time.

Hope this post on upcoming banking entrance exam was helpful to you.

All the Best!


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