TOEFL Preparation Tips


The right approach to writing exams like TOEFL is through smart tips and tricks. The tips shared here today are written in attempt to help you feel ready and confident on the test day. Here are some key preparation tips that will help in your preparation:

TOEFL Format:
Basics are always the foundation. It is very important to know the pattern of the exam before jumping in. Be familiar with the questions, the section divisions, the scoring system, timing, etc. This way, one can be familiar with what to expect on the main exam.

TOEFL Study Plan:
Start the preparation with a time table. Divide your strengths and weaknesses. Once you’re clear on the areas where you’re weak, focus on improving it. This ensures the brushing of your weakness and gives you a higher chance of good scores on the main test.
If content is your weakness, you need to work on vocabulary words and grammar patterns. If strategy is your weakness, you need to work on improving pace and effective listening. These are just few examples among many. Weaknesses are what lead us to our downfall. Hence, focus on it till you’re no longer struggling with it.

Score Goal:
Setting a score goal is a very good practice. The schools accepting TOEFL scores have certain minimum marks requirement. Thus, setting a score goal for yourself will ensure that you meet the required marks.

TOEFL Preparation Material:
Make sure you use high quality TOEFL materials to have effective preparation. Always go with the official resources for study time. Some of the official resources provided by ETS are TOEFL iBT Sample Questions, TOEFL iBT Interactive Sampler, TOEFL iBT Quick Prep, etc.
There are ample of materials which are non-official such as Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volumes 1 and 2. These books are also a good source to prepare for the exam. Regardless of the resource you decide to choose, make sure the resource you use has the right quality to help you the most.

Choose an Early Test Date:
Choose a date that will give you enough time to prepare. The benefit of picking an early date is that your TOEFL scores will reach in time for school admissions. TOEFL results are automatically sent to the picked school during the registration process after 13 days or more, depending on the location. Sometimes it even takes up to a month, hence; choose an early date to have enough time for preparation for the results to reach on time as well.
Polishing Vocabulary:
TOEFL is a test medium where one’s academic English ability is tested; therefore, a high range of English vocabulary is crucial to perform well. To do well in TOEFL, you need to have a high range of English academic vocabulary. Having a garden of strong vocabulary is a massive bonus. It helps you understand better, express better and effectively deliver your speech.

Having a strong understanding of the exam and how it’s conducted covers half the struggle. The rest is studying religiously with a consistent pace. TOEFL isn’t just about the English language; it is more than that. Hence, spend enough time to cover all that there is to cover by studying with quality materials.
Good luck for TOEFL 2019!