Reasoning Ability Test Paper 6


Section – I : Reasoning Ability

1. If ‘A’ denotes ‘-‘; ‘B’ denotes ‘x’; ‘C’ denotes ‘ ÷
‘; and ‘D’ denotes ‘+’, then 343 C 7 D 52 A 3 B 12 = ?

  1. 137
  2. 107
  3. 65
  4. 102
  5. None of these

2. Sandeep walks 40 m West from point A and
then he takes a left turn and walks
50 m. He takes a right turn and walks 40 m
and then he walks 50 m Northwards. He finally
takes a left turn and walks another 20 m to
reach point B. In which direction and how far
is he from point A?

  1. North, 80 m
  2. West, 100 m
  3. East, 100 m
  4. South, 80 m
  5. West, 80 m

3. In the series what will be the next term?
E9N, T27I, R28M, Y38Z, ____

  1. P30V
  2. O31V
  3. N30U
  4. P32W
  5. O31U

4. In the word MIXTURE, each vowel is replaced
by next letter and each consonant is replaced
by previous letter and then all letters are
arranged in alphabetical order. Which letter
is 5th from the right?

  1. J
  2. L
  3. Q
  4. V
  5. None of these

5. What should come next in the following letter


  1. SAB
  2. PRD
  3. QAB
  4. STA
  5. None of these

6. In a certain code ‘lizz bizz fizz’ is coded as
‘we can win’, ‘dizz rizz tizz’ is coded as ‘lose
match not’ and ‘kizz bizz dizz’ is coded as
‘some can lose’. Find the code which
corresponds to ‘lizz fizz kizz dizz’.

  1. we can some lose
  2. we can some win
  3. we win some lose
  4. we some can win
  5. Cannot be determined

7. How many such pairs of letters are there in
the word SYMBOL each of which has as
many letters between them in the word as
in the English alphabet?

  1. None
  2. One
  3. Two
  4. Three
  5. More than three

8. In a certain code COMMA is coded as 19225,
and YELLOW as 764490, then WELCOME
will be coded as:

  1. 0645926
  2. 0641956
  3. 0621925
  4. 0461975
  5. None of these

9. In a certain code language, FRACTION is
coded as BOYBUKRR. How will GEOMETRY
be coded in the same code language?



  1. Grandmother
  2. Granddaughter
  3. Nephew
  4. Data inadequate
  5. None of these


1. 3 Given expression can be written as:
343 7 + 52 – 3 × 12 = 65.

2. 2 Movement of Sandeep is given below:

Hence, Sandeep is in West and 100 m away from
point A

3. 2


4. 2 After replacing the letters of the word
FJLQSVW (Arranging in alphabetical order)
Hence, ‘L’ is the 5th letter from the right.

5. 4 The next group of letters in the series
will be STA.

6. 3 From the given information, we can
conclude that ‘bizz’
is coded as ‘can’ and ‘dizz’ is coded as ‘lose’.
Hence, the code for ‘lizz fizz kizz dizz’ is ‘we win
some lose’.

7. 3 There are only two such pairs of letters
i.e. ‘SO’ and
‘MO’ as shown in the figure below.


8. 5  Comparing the words, we get C = 1, O
= 9, M = 2, A = 5, Y = 7, E = 6, L = 4 and
W = 0 Hence, the code for WELCOME will be 0641926.

9. 3  Here,
F(6) – 4 = B(2)

R(18) – 3 = O(15)

A(1) – 2 = Y(25)

C(3) – 1 = B(2)

T(20) + 1 = U(21)

I(9) + 2 = K(11)

O(15) + 3 = R(18)

N(14) + 4 = R(18)


G(7) – 4 = C(3)

E(5) – 3 = B(2)

O(15) – 2 = M(13)

M(13) – 1 = L(12)

E(5) + 1 = F(6)

T(20) + 2 = V(22)
R(18) + 3 = U(21)

Y(25) + 4 = C(3)

Hence, GEOMETRY will be coded as CBMLFVUC.

10. 1


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