RBI Grade B Exam Result


The RBI Grade B Officer post in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is a highly-esteemed government job in India. For recruitment into the posts, Reserve Bank of India conducts the RBI Grade B Exam annually, drawing participation from lakhs of students. Besides working in a reputed role with the central bank of the country, the numerous perks offered to an RBI Grade B Officer makes it the most sought-after job among a large number of students.

The selection of a Grade B officer happens through a country wide competitive exam. This exam is conducted in three phases: Prelims, Mains and Interview.

One should start preparing for this exam from the month of Nov- Dec so that you could sufficient time to practice and build on your concepts. Since a lot of you who would be preparing for this exam would not be from a finance background, the earlier you start the better grip you would have over the subject.
Additionally you need to prepare for both Prelims and Mains together as the gap between the two exams is just 15 days. A lot of your efforts and time needs to be invested for Phase 2 as marks matter the most there. Prelims is just a qualifying exam. So while you give time for Phase 1 ensure that you spend equal time on Phase 2 topics as well.

1. Prelims: This is just a qualifying exam. The score here does not add to the final selection score. But one has to clear the cutoff to get to the next phase.

This exam has 4 sections:

Section-wise Preparation Guide:

A. General Awareness: This section has the highest weightage in the Phase-I Exam, accounting for 40% of the total marks. This section can give you the additional delta to qualify for the next phase. Good preparation for this section also helps in Phase 2. The key for preparation here is: Daily reading of newspaper, staying abreast with all important current affair specially the ones related to Banking, Finance and Economics.

Imp sources To Remain Updated:
o RBI Website
o Daily Newspaper (The Hindu, Economic Times)
o Banking Terminologies – make note of terms while reading the newspaper
o Static GK any good book

B. Reasoning: With 30% weightage this is the second highest scorer section. Easy to score if there is Consistent practice. Solve as many practice questions as you can. Online puzzles and quizzes would help the most.

Important topics:

o Inequality
o Coding Decoding
o Syllogism
o Circular and Linear arrangement
o Blood relations
o Order and rank
o Distance and Directions
o Input Output
o Floor/Building Puzzle
o Cause and effect, Assumption and statement (Verbal Reasoning)

C. Quantitative Aptitude: It is said Practice makes the man perfect. And this section is all about practice. One needs speed as well as accuracy to crack this section which would come only with Practice. Topic wise prepare for short cuts and quick tips. Solve a lot of questions on each topic. Make notes of formulas you need to remember and revise.

Important Topics:

o Number Series
o Ratio Proportion
o Time and Work
o Compound/Simple Interest
o Time, Distance and Speed
o Average, Mixture, Alligations
o Percentage
o Profit and Loss
o Stocks and Shares
o Data Interpretation
o Probability
o Permutation and Combination
o Mensuration

D. English Language: Reading and knowing grammar is the success mantra here. Know the grammar rules and start applying the same on a daily basis. Learn new words everyday which will help improve your vocabulary. Lastly practice as much as you can.

o Grammar
o Vocabulary
o Error Spotting
o Comprehension
o Passage Making
o Jumble Words
o Fill in the blanks
o Sentence Framing

Phase 2 or Mains Exam

Phase 2 or Mains is the most important exam and a stepping stone to becoming a Grade B officer. The score in this phase matters a lot. One has to strategize and work harder to ensure a good score across sections. This phase has 3 sections: Finance and Management (F&M), Economics & Social Issues (ESI) and English (Writing Skills).
Each section is 100 marks with 90 minutes allotted per section. F&M and ESI are objective papers whereas English (Writing Skills) is a descriptive paper.

A. Economics & Social Issues: The type of questions that get asked in this section can be divided between:

Static: which tests your conceptual knowledge of various concepts of economics. A basic economics text book and preparing notes would be helpful. Most of the concepts asked are from macro-economics like National income, Repo rate, Bank Rate, fiscal deficit, Revenue Deficit, Inflation, Monetary Policy, Budget etc
Current: Latest events related to economics and social issues are asked

Topic Details:

B. Finance & Management: This section would entail a lot of efforts from your end as the questions are very technical in nature. About 20-22 marks are dedicated to Finance Numericals which would require a lot of practice. Make notes of imp concepts of finance and formulas to revise on a regular basis.
Management section is quite straight forward as questions asked are direct from the text.

C. English (Writing Skills)- This requires continuous practice. Topics related to finance and economics are given on which one has to write an essay. Consistent reading would help in this section.
Reference Books:
1. Economics and Social Issues
o Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh
o NCERT Class 12th Book
o Indian Economy Performance and Policies By Uma Kapila
o Indian Economy Mishra and Puri
o Social Problems in India Ram Ahuja

2. Finance and Management
o Principles and Practice of Banking- Mac Millan
o Accounting and Finance for Bankers- Mac Millan
o RBI website
o Financial management by Prasanna Chandra
o Essentials of Management by Koontz or Tripathi or S. P. Robbins/TN Chhabra

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