Northern Western Railway Recruitment

Northern Western Railway Recruitment

North western railway has released 307 vacancies for the various posts for the year of 2017.

About Northern Western Railway

North Western Railway came into effect on 1st October, 2002. It was carved out of 2 divisions each from Northern and Western Railways. The formation of this zone along with five other new zones was first approved by Railway Board on 16th September, 1996 and foundation stone for this zone was laid on 17th October 1996 by the then Prime Minister Shri H.D. Deve Gowda at K.P. Singh Stadium, Jaipur.

No. of Vacancies

The total number of vacancies is: 307

S No. Name of the Post                          No. of Vacancies
Unreserved SC ST OBC Total
1 Clerk cum Typist 06 02 00 03 11
2 Assistant Loco Pilot 80 24 12 43 159
3 Technical Grade III (Signal) 07 02 01 03 13
4 Ticket Examiner 05 02 00 03 10
5 Commercial Clerk 02 00 00 00 02
6 Stenographer (Hindi) 00 00 00 01 01
7 Pharmacist Grade III (Medical) 01 00 00 00 01
8 Goods Guard 27 06 03 11 47
9 Station Master 29 08 04 16 57
10 Junior Engineer (Signal) 02 00 00 00 02
11 Junior Engineer (P. Way) 02 00 00 01 03
12 Staff Nurse 01 00 00 00 01


Eligibility Criteria:

Post Educational Qualification Any Other
Clerk cum Typist ·         12th or equivalent examination with not less than 50%;

·         Minimum 50% criteria doesn’t apply for SC/ST candidates and candidates with higher qualification.

Typing speed 30 w.p.m in English and 25 w.p.m in Hindi.
Assistant Loco Pilot ·         Matriculation pass;

·         ITI Certificate in- Filter, Electrician, Instrument Mechanic, Millwright/Maintenance Mechanic, Mechanic (Radio & TV), Electronics Mechanic, Motor Vehicle Mechanic, Wireman, Tractor Mechanic, Armature & Coil Winder, Mechanic (Diesel), Heat Engine, Turner, Machinist, Refrigeration & AC Mechanic


·         Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/Automobile Engineering.

Technical Grade III (Signal) ·         Matriculation plus ITI in Electrician, Electrical Filter, Wireman, Electronics, Information Technology, TV & Radio, Instrumentation, Computer, Computer Networking, Data Networking OR

·         10+2 with Physics and Math OR

·         Three year Diploma in Engineering in Electrical, Electronics, Microprocessor, TV Engineering, Fiber Optical Communication, Telecommunication, Communication, Sound & TV Engineering, Industrial Control, Electronic Instrumentation, Industrial Electronics, Applied Electronics, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics, Information Science/Technology, Computer Application, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Technology.

Ticket Examiner ·         12th or equivalent examination with not less than 50%;

·         Minimum 50% criteria doesn’t apply for SC/ST candidates and candidates with higher qualification.

Commercial Clerk ·         12th or equivalent examination with not less than 50%;

·         Minimum 50% criteria doesn’t apply for SC/ST candidates and candidates with higher qualification.

Stenographer (Hindi) ·         12th or equivalent examination with not less than 50%;

·         Minimum 50% criteria doesn’t apply for SC/ST candidates and candidates with higher qualification.

Typing speed 80 w.p.m in English and 65 w.p.m in Hindi.
Pharmacist Grade III (Medical) ·         10+2 in Science or its equivalent two years Diploma in Pharmacy.
Goods Guard ·         A University degree or its equivalent.
Station Master ·         A University degree or its equivalent. Diploma in Rail Transport and management from the institute of Rail Transport is desirable.
Junior Engineer (Signal) ·         Three years Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/Information Technology/Communication Engineering OR

·         A combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical/Electronics/ Information Technology/Communication Engineering from a recognized University.

Junior Engineer (P. Way) ·         Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering or B.Sc. in  Civil Engineering OR

·         A combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Civil Engineering.

Staff Nurse ·         Certificate as Registered Nurse & Midwife having passed 3 years course in General Nursing and Midwifery OR

·         B.Sc. in  Nursing.


  • Age Criteria: Maximum age limit as on 1st January 2018 is:
  1. 45 years for OBC;
  2. 47 years for SC/ST;
  3. 42 years for all other categories.

About Selection Procedure:

The recruitment test shall comprise of:

  • A Computer Based Test (CBT) or written examination followed by Aptitude/Skill/Speed test (whichever is applicable)
  • CBT or written exam will be conducted in single/two stages whichever is applicable;
  • CBT/Written examination will have multiple choice type questions.
  • There shall be negative marking of 1/3 for every wrong answer.

How to apply?

  • Candidates can apply online only.
  • Visit the official portal of Northern Western Railway i.e.;
  • Click on GDCE ONLINE/E-Application;
  • Click on “New Registration”;
  • Fill in the details as instructed in the form;
  • Cross check the details and click on “FINAL SUBMIT” tab
  • Click on “Submit” tab.

Exam Fee:

There is no exam fee.

Important Dates:

No. Activity Date
1 Start of online registration 13th September 2017; 9am.
2 End of online registration 12th October 2018; 5pm.


For further details, candidates are advised to click here and check the official notification.

Stay tuned for further updates!!

All the best!!