JEE Advance 2018 website launched and examination date out!

JEE Advance 2018

Good news about JEE Advance 2018 for all Engineering aspirants!

The official website of Joint Engineering Examination –JEE Advance 2018 has now been launched and is functional at The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur- IIT-K is all set to conduct the JEE Advance 2018 examination on 20th of May 2018.

The Joint Entrance Examination Advanced 2018 will be conducted by the seven zonal IITs. The examination will be held in two sessions. The entire JEE Advanced 2018 exam will be conducted in fully computer-based test mode.

The performance of a candidate in the exam will form the basis for admission to the Bachelors, Integrated Masters and Dual Degree programs in all the IITs. In all matters related to JEE Advanced 2018 and admission to IITs, the decisions of the Joint admission Board- JAB 2018 will be final. JAB is the policy making body on IIT admissions.

The JEE Main exam date is still not known. The date will be released by the Central Board of Secondary Education-CBSE by the end of this year.

JEE is the only examination with which students can grab a seat in the 23 prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology- IITs.