Is it enough to score cut-off marks in Banking entrance exams?

Banking Entrance Exam - Scores & cut-off
Banking Entrance Exam - Scores & cut-off

Are you looking to build your career in the banking sector? Wondering what score in banking entrance exams will guarantee you a job?

This post will help you streamline your preparation and guide your way to a safer zone.

Why Banking sector?

As we all know, jobs in the banking sector have always been one of the lucrative career options. Job security, handsome salary, and allowances are some of the key enticements that a bank job offers. As per the statistics, Central Finance department has announced that in the next 3 years, over 86,000 vacancies for PO & Clerk are likely to be filled by public sector banks. While the jobs are aplenty, the competition for these jobs is equally high, with a success rate of nearly 1.5%. So, what should be the strategy to improve your score in banking entrance exams?

In order to ace an exam, it is important for you to know the syllabus, paper pattern, marking scheme and cut-off trends of past years. Also, you need to begin with the end in mind. You should set a target for yourself, which is higher than previous years cut-off marks.

Since the recruitment conducted by IBPS & SBI for PO and Clerical posts is a two-phase examination, you have to qualify in both the exams to be eligible for the interview process. Here arises a question, how much should I score to maximize my chances of selection?

The preliminary examination conducted by IBPS & SBI is qualifying in nature and marks obtained are not considered in the final selection. Therefore, in the prelims, you can target a score close to previous years cut off. But, the real race begins with the main examination. The more marks you score, the higher is your chance of selection. In order to be sure of selection, you must score at least 50% of the maximum marks. This will not only give you an extra edge over other aspirants but will also help you even if your interview doesnt go well. Scoring more in the main examination is in our hands, but the interview can sometimes bowl a googly at you. So it is advisable to prepare well for the main examination. It is aptly said, if you shed more sweat in peace, you will have to shed less blood in a battle.

Cutoff of some of previous year banking entrance exams:

Lets have a look at the official cut-off marks of various banking exams.

Bank Entrance : SBI PO 2014-15

Category Written Test

Cut off (out of 250)

Final Test

Cut off (out of 300 normalized to 100)

SC 121 49.4
ST 88 33
OBC 134 50.2
General 143 55.2


Bank Entrance : SBI Clerk 2014-15

Category Written Test

Cut off (out of 250)

Final Test

Cut off (out of 300 normalized to 100)

SC 121 56
ST 88 46.80
OBC 134 58.50
General 143 64.30

From the cut-off trend, we can conclude that a candidate (in General category) has to score approximately 60% of the maximum marks to be sure of his/her selection. Merely scoring the cut-off marks will not guarantee you a job. To read in detail, please click here.

Bank Entrance : IBPS PO 2015

Category Main Examination

Cut off (out of 200)

SC 50
ST 47.75
OBC 76
General 76

For instance, if you have scored 76-85 marks in the main examination, you have to perform really well in the interview. You have to score 90 marks in the interview. The main examination and interview marks are normalized to arrive at a score out of 100. On the other hand, if your score is 96 & above, there is a good chance of you getting selected, even if your interview performance is average. To read in detail, please click here.

Stay focused on your ultimate goal. Give your best performance in the exam. Remember all candidates are of the same caliber. You just need to drive your preparation in a right direction.

Wish you luck for your aspired banking entrance exam!