10 Competitive exams for students of class 8, 9 and 10

10 Competitive exams for students of class 8, 9 and 10

Every school student and their parents are looking for important information about competitive exams. Awareness is the first step towards preparation. This post talks about significant 10 competitive exams for students of class 8, 9 and 10. Identify the ones that you would like to prepare & get cracking.

To help out the school students and make their search easy, we have compiled a list of competitive exams for them.

  • (NTSE) National Talent Search Examination: It is the most prestigious national level competitive examination for school students. It is a two tier exam that provides a scholarship program to school students.

Conducting body: (NCERT) National Council of Educational Research and Training

Eligibility: Class X students

Financial assistance: It gives cash scholarship for full academic year to students with exceptional intellectual ability. The amount of scholarship is rupees 500 per month.

Upcoming exam date: 5th, 6th and 13th November 2016

Exam basis: Students have to give two objective type written tests the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The test is based on these subjects Mental Ability, Science, Social Science, Mathematics, and General Awareness. The students who qualify the tests are called for face-to-face interview and then final awards are given on the basis of total scores obtained in the tests and the interview.

  • (NLSTSE) National Level Science Talent Search: This exam identifies the talented school students from primary to higher level. It provides a skill based feedback and highlights the strength and weakness of the student.

Conducting body: Unified council

Upcoming exam date: 24th January and 5th February 2017

Eligibility: Standard II to standard XII students

Exam basis: The exam paper includes simple questions that are based on Physics, Biology, Math, Chemistry, and general questions that require thinking not simply recalling.

  • Indian National Olympiads: This Olympiad involves five stage procedure. They are National Standard Examination (NSE), Indian National Olympiad, Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC), Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) and Participation in International Olympiad accordingly.

Conducting body: This first stage of the exam i.e. NSE is conducted by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) and the other four stages are conducted by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE).

Eligibility: Students from standard 9th to 12th are eligible for this exam. The first stage NSE is conducted for students of class 10th and below.

Financial assistance: Financially supported by the Government of India.

Exam basis: The test acknowledges students in the field of Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Math, Astronomy and junior Science.

  • SOF- Science Olympiad Foundation: Established by leading scientists, academicians, and media personalities SOF is a non-profit organization.

Conducting body: Science Olympiad Foundation

Eligibility: Classes I to XII students

Upcoming exam date:   NCO-13th October and 20th October, NSO –15th November and 24th November, IMO – 1st December and 12th December and IEO– 19th January and 31st January. Second level exam will be held on 2nd and 3rd Sunday of Feb 2017.

Exam basis: The foundation conducts separate exams for subjects like for Computer education (National Cyber Olympiad), Science (National Science Olympiad) Math (International Math Olympiad) and English (International English Olympiad).

  • KVPY or Kishore Vigyan Protsahan Yojana: KYVP is a national level competitive exam. It aims to identify students with talent and aptitude for research.

Conducting body: Department of Science and Technology.

Eligibility: Students of classes XI and XII are eligible for this exam.

Financial assistance: KYVP is funded by the Government of India.

Upcoming exam date: Students can download admit card from second week of October 2016 and the exam is scheduled on 6th November 2016.

Exam basis:  The exam is based on basic science. The selected students become eligible at the Indian Institute for Science Education and Research for admission to the five-year integrated MS program.

  • GeoGenius: With the aim of popularizing and cultivating the understanding of Geography among the school students, leading academicians established GeoGenius.

Conducting body:  GEODENIUS is the conducting body.

Eligibility: Students from Class II to XII are eligible for these exams.

Financial assistance: IBGB learning society.

Upcoming exam date: Level one exam is scheduled on 9th December 2016.

  • NIMO or National Interactive Math Olympiad:  it is a National level exam that aims to remove the fear of Math from students’ mind by testing their mental ability and mathematical skill.

Conducting body:  Eduheal Foundation an International NGO is behind this Olympiad.

Eligibility: CBSE/ICSE/ State Boards and NIOS students from class V to XII are eligible for this exam.

Exam basis: Based on Math

Upcoming exam date:14th or 16th December 2016.

  • Silverzone Olympiads: This Olympiad aims to promote competitive awareness of academics in school students in India and abroad. It also aims to develop creative thinking and enhance the problem-solving ability of students.

Conducting body: Silverzone Foundation.

Eligibility: Students of class I to XII are eligible for this exam.

Exam basis: The tests are based on the subjects like Mathematics, Science, Computer and English Language.

Upcoming exam date: The exam dates are set in the month of November and December 2016.

  • NBO or National Biotechnology Olympiad: NBO creates awareness and inspires the young generation to enhance their knowledge about Biotechnology issues. Its annual e-newspapers, work books and biotechnology activity books are widely appreciated in schools.

Conducting body:  NBO is conducted by the Eduheal foundation.

Eligibility: Students of class I to XII of all streams are allowed to participate in this exam.

Exam basis: This exam is totally based on Math. It comprises of 50 questions for 50 marks.

  • Asset or Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing: A skill based assessment designed to evaluate conceptual understanding of the school syllabus.

Conducting body: ASSET is conducted by the Educational Initiatives Pvt. Ltd.

Eligibility:  Students of class III to X are eligible for this exam.

Exam basis: This exam is based on the IGCSE, ICSE, CBSE, and major state boards’ curriculum. It covers the subjects like Mathematics, English, and Science. Social Studies and Hindi is Optional.

Upcoming exam date: Winter round is in December.

Hope this post was helpful for you for the information you were looking for.

All the best!!

Also read, Benefits of Olympiad exams for school students

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  1. Very informative blog thanks for sharing information with us. (NTSE) National Talent Search Examination for schools exam information you given us. I have little sister i want to attempt this exam by my sister. It is a type of competitive exams. syllabus for competitive exam of mathematics is same for graduation based and schools based.