Strategies to crack CLAT

Strategize and prepare for the CLAT 2017

Strategies to crack CLAT

Preparing for CLAT EXAM? With increasing competition and a series of selection criteria, we suggest you get sincere about CLAT preparation, if you are desirous of joining top Law universities.

Mostly students are not very clear on how to strategize & balance their school studies and CLAT preparation. CLAT exam has evolved to be even more exhaustive and the factors like the open syllabus and increasing competition have made it necessary for students to prepare under proper guidance.

While we are happy to help you for preparing for one of the emerging, rewarding and challenging career – Law. To help you meet out this challenge, here are few tips on how to strategize and prepare for the CLAT 2017.

  • English: Students English proficiency is tested in this section based on grammar and English comprehension. The candidates will have to exhibit their passage understanding, meaning of the words use in it and the central theme of the passage. For the grammar section you need to build a vast vocabulary only then you can do the sentence correction questions and filling in the appropriate words. To prepare for English, strengthen your grammar by going back to the basics and understand them once again. Start reading English newspapers and magazines on a regular basis. To understand the comprehension thoroughly, try to learn few new words every day, including their antonyms and synonyms. You can also take the numerous English tests that are available online and practice as many previous papers as possible
  • Mathematics: Candidates elementary math i.e. 10thstandard math is tested in this section. You can score high in this section if you are well prepared. You need to increase your speed and for that, you need to have a methodology so that you do not take more than a minute to solve a question. You are required to clear your concepts thoroughly to answer the question easily and score high. See the topics that are being repeated from past question papers and prepare them first.
  • General Knowledge: Another high scoring and less time taking section. You are assessed for your knowledge in general awareness and current affairs, It is important to be well versed in general knowledge as this section carries 25% weightage. For this section, you need to watch news daily to keep yourself abreast with the latest happenings around the world and within India. Try to spend one hour every day in reading dailies like The Hindu, Economic Times, etc. Refer past question papers and prepare according to the pattern of the occurrence of the questions. Attempt mock tests that are available online like CL’s Law Test GYM.
  • Logical Reasoning: This section tests the inclination of the student towards law, his ability to solve problems and expertise in research. The question includes logical reasoning, pattern identification, spot correct arguments and the like. Your ability to identify logical links, patterns and rectify illogical argument is tested in this section. A variety of questions asked in logical reasoning includes logical sequences, syllogisms, analogies, etc. To prepare for this section have time management strategy to focus on how much time you devote to each question. Try to learn short cuts and tricks to solve the questions easily. Learn from video lectures in CL’s Smart CLAT Crackers. Solve as many problems as possible and refer to logical reasoning books, take online tests and refer past question papers for the pattern of questions.
  • Legal Aptitude and Legal GK: This section tests the legal awareness of the students. Questions are framed on legal propositions and the students have to assume the truth of these propositions and answer accordingly. You are not tested on any prior knowledge of legal concepts. To prepare for this section you need to go through the legal aptitude book that include chapters such as Law of contract, Law of Torts Constitutional Law, International Law, Family law, IPR , criminal law and other important Laws. You also need to understand the various legal principles so that you can easily understand the question thoroughly to come to a logical conclusion. The most important thing is to time yourself so that know how much time you spent on each question. It is important to score high in this section as it helps to break the ‘TIE’ and decide who is a better candidate.

Hope you find the above useful. Follow them and wish you the very best for your CLAT preparation!

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