B-School Information: IIM-C


Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Established in 1961, IIM-C has grown into an institution with a global reputation, imparting high quality management education. Its glory has such great heights that it swished past IIM-A in international rankings. IIM-C had been ranked 19th in the Financial Times (FT) Global Rankings for the year 2013, much above the London School of Economics and Manchester Business School. As per a statement issued by IIM-C on its website, its category-wise rankings are: 1st in Finance, 2nd in Economics, 1st in Career (based on career status and the moolah earned by the alumni 3 years after graduation).

Pic1IIM-C offers quite a few programs that are fancied by the lakhs of aspirants applying each year. One such program, the CEMS, that they offer has proved to be the flag-bearer in IIM-C’s race to becoming rank one worldwide. It is majorly because of this program that IIM-C’s stature went up through the roof so rapidly. Another fellow, the PGDBA, is a bambino produced just last year by IIM-C in association with other institutions of repute. Out of all the programs offered by IIM-C, some have been listed below:

(i) Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
PGDM, IIM Calcutta’s flagship program, is a two year residential    program for graduates.

(ii) Post Graduate Programme for Executives (PGPEX)
One Year Residential Program for executives & mid-career professionals

(iii) Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA)
This is the neonate we mentioned above. The program is a two year full time diploma program aimed at creating business analytics professionals who have an inclination towards mathematics, have an analytical mindset and can apply analytical concepts for solving business problems.
The 2015-17 batch is the inaugural batch of the PGDBA program. The program is jointly hosted by the Indian Institute of Management – Calcutta, Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur and the Indian Statistical Institute – Kolkata.

IIM-C, being a member of the Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS), also offers:

(iv) CEMS Masters in International Management degree

What is CEMS?
• CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education, formerly known as “The Community of European Management Schools”, is an elite club of 28 business schools of the world.

IIM-C’s association with CEMS
• IIM-C is in a global partnership with CEMS which makes it possible for an IIM-C student to earn a coveted management degree from one of the top B-schools of the world. This degree is the coveted Masters in Management degree, better known worldwide as the MIM degree, consistently ranked as one of the five best global management degrees.

About the MIM Programme
• This CEMS MIM program is a one-year program which can be pursued simultaneously with the 2 year flagship PGP program of IIM-C. The top 27 students of IIM-C are selected for the CEMS MIM program. These top 27 students get the MIM degree at the time of graduating from IIM-C.

• Qualifying students are required to spend one term i.e. Term V of IIM-C PGDM program in any of the CEMS member schools abroad before returning to IIM-C for the final term.


How to make it to IIM Calcutta?

There are 2 stages that a candidate goes through before getting selected for the IIM-C PGDM Program.


There are two steps for selection to the PGDBA program.


Eligibility and Selection Criteria
IIM-C shortlists candidates on the basis of the CAT score, past academic performance, and other criteria mentioned below.

The minimum CAT percentiles required in order to be considered for an IIM-C call have been tabulated below:

Pic4Note: Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Non-creamy Other Backward Castes (NC-OBC), Differently Abled (DA)

The interview calls made to the candidates are based on the composite score. The Composite Score reflects the components of the CAT score, Class X and Class XII aggregate percentages, and gender diversity factor.

Marks are allotted for the 10th and 12th percentages on the basis of the following

Pic5The composite score of a candidate is calculated on the basis of the table below. All the components have a particular weightage.


A = Candidate’s total CAT 2015 score

B = Maximum CAT 2015 Score

C = Points awarded for Class X marks as per Table 2.

D = Points awarded for Class XII marks as per Table 2.

IIM-C awards 3 marks to female candidates to promote gender diversity on campus. Based on these component scores, interview calls are made.

A student aspiring to pursue PGDM from IIM-C has to dole out around 16.2 lakh bucks. This is the latest fee. The fees may change for the 2016-18 batch.

The following data of the 2012-14 PGDM batch portrays the diversity of the batch.

Pic7Summer Placements
The summer placement for the batch of 2014-2016 was successfully completed in a record time of 2.5 days. Companies of different sectors hired candidates for a wide range of functions.


Final Placements
The placement process is conducted in two stages. The first is the laterals process where the firms interview the students with work experience and offer them mid-level managerial positions. The second stage is the final placement process where the firms are grouped into cohorts based on the profile offered.

Almost 50% of the 2012-2014 batch had either a Pre Placement Offer (PPO) or a lateral placement offer before the placement season began. The table compares the last two batches.





  1. I dont have a very shining academic record.78% in my 10th 82 % in my 12th and barely managing 75% in my btech(currently i am in 3rd year).I dont have any extra curricular activities also to show off.Do i stand any chance of making it to IIM C/L/K with a very high percentile to my name?

  2. I do have over 80 percent in both class 10 and 12. I am from commerce background and have completed my CA (although i dont think it makes a difference). I do not have any extra co curricular activities to show for. What percentile in CAT should i be aiming for to get a call in IIM-C?