NCHMCT JEE 2018: Apply online now!


National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT)has released the notification for its Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) for admission into its Hotel Management Programs. NCHMCT JEE 2018 will be conducted on April 28, 2018. It provides admission to candidates into 52 institutes of hotel management, including 21 Central, 16 State Government, and 15 private institutes, comprising 7667 seats.

The conducting body NCHMCT is an autonomous body under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. The national level entrance exam is conducted to offer admissions to 3-year duration B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration programme.

NCHMCT JEE 2018: Important Dates

Application Form Available Online 24 December 2017  to  11 April 2018
Availability of Admit Cards on NCHMCT website 20 April 2018 1700 hrs onwards
Written Examination (JEE 2018) 28 April 2018 (Saturday)
Timings of JEE 2018 10:00 Hrs to 13:00 Hrs (3 hours)
Result of JEE on website 3rd Week of May, 2018
Conduct of Counselling Last week of May, 2018 and First week of June, 2018
Commencement of Academic Session 25 July, 2018


NCHMCT JEE 2018: Apply Online

You can now apply online for NCHMCT JEE 2018 exam by registering on the link below:

NCHMCT JEE 2018: Eligibility

  • Applicants must have passed intermediate or its equivalent examination with English as one of the subjects.
  • Applicants, awaiting their intermediate results, are also eligible to apply for the exam.
  • Upper age limit of candidates of unreserved and OBC categories is 22 years and 25 years for candidates SC/ST category candidates as on July 1, 2017.

Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable student out of all applicants and the selection process varies for different colleges and exams. Based on the different selection criteria students are selected for a particular course.
The selection process for NCHMCT is only on the basis of All India Rank (AIR) secured in the JEE examination.

  • Performance in the JEE
  • Performance in Group Discussion and Personal Interview

For more details on NCHMCT JEE 2018, visit out dedicated NCHMCT Exam Corner.

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