RBI Grade B Phase 2: Strategy to make it to the final list

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Strategy

We already know that RBI Grade B notification is out and in an earlier post we have already discussed what should be our strategy and approach for Phase 1 exam but we also know that there is not much gap between Phase 1 and Phase 2 (20 days) and it is not possible for aspirants to prepare in such a short span. So, it is wise to simultaneously start working on our RBI Grade B Phase 2 strategy as well.
Let us first discuss few important points about RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam:
• Only the candidates who will be shortlisted on the basis of Phase 1 will be called for Phase 2 exam;
• The exam is divided into III papers. Paper I & III are MCQ (Objective type) and Paper II is subjective (descriptive);
• In Paper I and Paper III negative marking of ¼ is allotted to the questions;
• Equal weight age is given to all three papers.
• Candidates are allowed to use non-programmable electronic calculators in Paper III.
To form RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam strategy let us discuss the last year exam.
Paper Marks No. of Questions Time
Paper 1 (Economic and Social Issues) 100 35+30 = 65 90 minutes
Paper 2 (English writing skills) 100 3 90 minutes
Paper 3 (Finance and Management) 100 35+30 = 65 90 minutes

Now let us have detailed look at all three papers of the exam:
Paper I: This paper was divided into two sections. Section A had 35 questions of 2 marks each. In this section, passages were provided to establish the context of the questions and it was mentioned in the paper itself that the questions can be answered using the information from the passages as well as the candidate’s knowledge on the subject matter. Section B had 30 questions of 1 mark each. In this section, questions were straight and factual.
Paper II: This paper had just 3 questions based on an essay (40 marks of 200 words limit), précis (30 marks of 170 words limit), and reading comprehension (30 marks, there were 6 questions out of which only 5 had to attempt).
Paper III: This paper also was divided into two sections. A had 35 questions of 2 marks each. Section B had 30 questions of 1 mark each.
Where Phase 1 is a qualifying exam and its score is null and void once you get shortlisted, Phase 2, on the other hand, is important not only to fetch you a call for an interview but also for you final selection because its scores are carried forward for the final selection. So, it is obvious that this is the most important stage for our final selection to let us chalk out our RBI Grade B Phase 2 strategy.
Paper I (Economic & Social Issues): Although there were passages provided, it should not be assumed that answers would be derivative from the passage. Passages are given just to set the perspective to solve the questions the candidates are required to have knowledge of the topic. To prepare for the topics that are covered under this section we would suggest the candidates read:
a) NCERT Books;
b) Summary of annual reports of RBI, UN, IMF, World Bank;
c) Latest annual budget;
d) Government launched schemes;
e) Economic Surveys.
Many questions in this section will be based on RBI. It is advisable that candidates go through the website of RBI and brush up on the details given in ‘about us’, ‘FAQs’, ‘recent news’, ‘press release of annual reports’. Candidates are also advised to follow any one business magazine or newspaper. This section has questions mainly based on current affairs so candidates should focus on keeping themselves abreast with the economic and social news of past 6-7 months as per the exam date.
Paper II (English): This is one section which can help you score a little more with a little less effort. 2 questions out of the 3 questions of this section come with a prescribed word limit. It is always advisable to keep yourself within that word limit only (read the instructions carefully).
To prepare for the essay one must practice writing an essay on some current hot and some conventional topics (practicing at least 10 essay topics is suggested). Candidates should practice essay writing on the computer only so as to get the actual feel of the exam and avoid typing errors. While writing the essay it is important that you make sure that your essays are within prescribed word limit (it is always advisable to fall short of the word limit but not to exceed it). Also, the language of the content should be simple but strong. To avoid mistakes avoid too technical and flowery language and also it is advisable to check the essay for grammatical errors once after typing.
For Précis one has to keep in mind that your précis need not be an exact copy of the passage given. Each and every minute detail need not be mentioned in the passage. Here also, word limit along with the grammatical errors needs to be kept in the mind. A good précis is the one which presents the central idea and crux of the given passage nicely. It needs not to have each and every detail. Candidates are advised to practice at least 10 such précis.
For reading comprehension, candidates should practice few mock RCs. Candidates should always read instructions before proceeding with the passage and while answering the questions candidates should not use the language from the passage instead they should try to phrase the answer in their words.
Paper III: The breakup of Finance and Management questions in this section is of around 55% and 45% respectively. In Finance, about 20 marks will be around numerical, focusing on the topics like Balance sheets, P&L statement, YTM, Operating and Financial Leverage, Financial statement analysis, Cash flow statement, Pricing of a bond. To prepare for the topics that are covered under this section we would suggest the candidates read:
a) Accounting ratios from NCERT;
b) Investopedia;
c) JAIIB books;
d) CAIIB books.
Candidates should also refer to YouTube videos on numerical. For management, candidates should focus on syllabus topics like leadership theories, motivation theories, and communication. Candidates should accustom themselves with all the theories related to these topics. Candidates are advised to read IGNOU’s BA & MA material of the above-mentioned subjects.
Keeping in mind the last year exam and the tips given above the candidates should plan the RBI Grade B phase 2 strategy. Candidates should keep in mind that to score optimum in this exam they should keep in mind the following things:
1. Candidates should start preparing for RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam simultaneously with the Phase 1 exam;
2. This phase is a descriptive and objective paper so, it is very important that candidates read instructions of each and every question very carefully (especially English section);
3. The suggested source should be on a candidate’s must read list, it is important to have strong base of knowledge to crack this phase;
4. Time and speed are two factors that every candidate should keep in sync with each other to score maximum in the exam.
Proper practice and smart approach towards the paper can help candidates score maximum in the exam.