Top SSC recruitment exams you can’t afford to miss!

top SSc recruitment exams you can't afford to miss!

If you are intent on a job in one of the Government of India departments or the Ministries of India, you must be well-versed with the Staff Selection Commission- SSC recruitment exams.

India with population over 1.5 billion produces thousands of unemployed Graduates from various fields like Doctors, Engineers, MBA & Law.  This post has come up with various important SSC recruitment exams for you to choose as career option.

Here is the enlistment of important job recruitment exams by SSC.

Various SSC Recruitment exams:

  1. SSC CHSL: Every year Staff Selection Commission conducts one of the famous exams of the country SSC CHSL which is the Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination i.e. for the candidates who have passed class 12th or equivalent exams. SSC conducts this exam at all India level for the recruitment of (DEO) Data Entry Operator, (LDC) Lower Division Clerk, Postal Assistant or Sorting Assistant & Court Clerk. The exam is conducted in two modes Tier I objective type i.e. online mode and Tier II descriptive type i.e. Offline mode exam. On the basis of the score in Tier1 and Tier 2, the candidates are selected for the Tier 3 which is a Typing Test or Skill Test. The final selection is based on the score of Tier 1 and 2. To prepare for SSC CGL exams, enroll for CL’s SSC CGL Classroom programs.

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification: Candidate should have passed class12 or intermediate exam or equivalent from a central or state recognized institute.

Age Limit & Nationality: Candidate’s age must be between 18 years to 27 years and he or she must be a citizen of India.

  1. SSC CGL: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts another SSC recruitment exams to select the deserving candidates for various vacant seats, SSC conducts the most popular examination named CGL-Combined Graduate Level exam in the expected month of every year (August).  Staff Selection Commission Conducts CGL Examination Once in a Year in TIER 1 and TIER 2. SSC holds the exam of Combined Graduate Level (CGL) into two phases/Tiers.

Eligibility criteria:

Here are some of the conditions that are mandatory for the candidates to fulfil to apply and compete in the SSC CGL Exam –

  • Educational qualification- candidate must hold a Bachelor’s or Graduation degree from a recognized University or College or Institute.
  • Age limit & Nationality: candidate must be an Indian citizen and fall in the specified age limit. Only the date of birth recorded in the matriculation or secondary examination certificate will be considered valid. Moreover, for the candidates from the reserved category, the maximum age limit is relaxed.
  1. SSC JE (Junior engineer): SSC holds an open competitive exam all over the country for the recruitment of (Civil & Electrical) Junior Engineers in CPWD. Candidates who clear this become a SSC Junior Engineer. CPWD SSC Junior engineer exam is conducted in two phases. One is objective type written test consisting of two papers general engineering (Civil & structural), General Engineering (Electrical & mechanical) and the other is interview i.e. personality test.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Educational qualification: Candidate should have a diploma in electrical/civil/mechanical engineering or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university or institute of central government.
  • Age limit & Nationality: Candidate must be an Indian citizen. Candidate’s age should not exceed 32 years for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) in Central Water Commission and CPWD. MES candidate’s age should be between 18 to 27 years for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil and Electrical), Department of Post and Junior Engineer (Surveying and contract). For the post of Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical), age of MES candidate’s should not exceed 30 years.
  1. SSC Stenographer: SSC conducts an All India Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to the posts of Stenographer Grade C (Non-Gazetted Group ‘B’) and Stenographer Grade D (Non-Technical Group ‘C’). The SSC Stenographer Exam is conducted for recruitment of candidates in various Ministries and Departments of Central Government, including their Attached and subordinate offices located in States and Union Territories all over the country. The Steno exam comprise of objective type written exam followed by skill test in stenography at 100 word per minute for Stenographer Grade C and 80 word per minute for Stenographer Grade D.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Educational qualification: Candidates must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent from a recognized board or university to appear for SSC stenographer Exam.
  • Age Limit: Candidate must be between 18-27 years of age for SSC Stenographer exam.
  1. SSC MTS: Staff Selection Commission SSC conducts a competitive exam for recruitment of the candidates for the post of MTS Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical), Group ‘C’ Non-Ministerial, Non-Gazetted, post in various Central Government Ministries, Departments and Offices, in different States and Union Territories. Under SSC MTS Recruitment candidates have to go through two phases Paper-I and Paper-II exam that are OMR based objective exam in pen and paper mode.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Educational Qualification: The candidate must have passed Matriculation Exam i.e. class 10th or any other equivalent exam from a recognized Board.
  • Age limit & Nationality: The minimum age limit for candidate is 18 years and maximum is 25 years. The candidate must be an Indian or of Indian origin.

Let us understand about SSC- the conducting body.

SSC – Staff Selection Commission:

Under Government of India, the organization SSC recruits staff for various posts in government departments, Ministries and in Subordinate Offices. Ever since its inception in November 1975, SSC has been responsible for recruiting Indian to Group B governmental posts, technical posts Group C, and more. its headquarters is located at New Delhi. The commission SSC is an attached office of (DoPT) The Department of Personnel and Training. SSC announces prospective job vacancies open for suitable candidates.

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