SSC CGL Tier III 2016 exam date announced

SSC CGL Tier III 2016 exam date announced

Dear SSC CGL 2016 aspirants, an important news for you all. Staff Selection Commission has made final announcement for its SSC CGL Tier III 2016 exam date.

The SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) Tier III exam 2016 which was earlier tentatively scheduled to be held on 5th March, 2017 will now be held on 19th March, 2017. To view the actual notification by Staff Selection Commission, click here.

SSC CGL Tier III exam pattern:

  • SSC CGL Tier III paper will be a descriptive type of 100 marks
  • Exam will be conducted offline in Pen and Paper mode
  • The Duration of Tier III Paper will be 1 hour i.e 60 minutes
  • The paper will be bilingual that means you can write answer either in Hindi or English Language.
  • There will be questions of Essay Writing (250 Words)/ Precise Writing/ Letter Writing


Know more about Staff Selection Commission Combined graduate level exam (SSC CGL )here.

Kickstart your preparation now! You can enroll for CL’s SSC Classroom programs, test series or correspondence programs depending upon your mode of preparation.

Wishing you good luck for SSC CGL Tier III 2016 exam!