Bank of India announces Officers recruitment

IPU Counselling Notification
IPU Counselling Notification

Bank of India has invited applications for various officers post. The details are –

  1. Date of Application – 31st May 2016 to 14th June 2016
  2. Date of examination – Will be announced later
  3. Cut off date for age/qualification/experience – 1st April 2016
  4. Details of vacancies –
S. No. Post Scale No of Vacancies Min. Age Max. Age Experience Educational Qualification
1 Officer- Credit JMGS-I 217 21 30 NA B. Com with 60% and MBA/PGDBA/PGDBM
2 Manager MMGS-II 200 28 35 5 years
3 Senior Manager MMGS-III 100 30 38 7 years

Note – Final Year can apply for JMGS-I, provided their result is declared by 31st August 2016.

  1. Selection Procedure –Selection will be through an online test and/or personal interview, depending on the number of applicants/eligible candidates.
  2. Online Examination Pattern –
S. No. Subject Max. Marks Qualifying Marks Duration
1 English Language 50 20 Composite times of 150 minutes
2 General Awareness with special reference to banking industry 50 20
3 Financial Management 50 20

The test of English Language will be of qualifying nature i.e Marks obtained in the English Language will not be added while preparing merit List.

  1. Interview – The Bank may conduct the selection process only on the basis of Interview without holding online test. Accordingly, if the online examination is not conducted for any of the posts, an adequate number of candidates as decided by the Bank will be shortlisted for the interview based on their qualification, experience, and overall suitability for the post.

The total marks allotted for Interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks for the general/unreserved category candidates will be 40% and for SC/ST/OBC/PWD is 35%. 

We will keep you posted with more updates.
All the very best!
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