Top Careers in Biotechnology in India

Careers in Biotechnology

As per Wikipedia “Bio-Technology is a research oriented science, a combination of Biology and Technology.” A career in Biotechnology is often considered as of developing drugs in a laboratory but it isn’t just that it is much more. Careers in Biotechnology cover variety of areas like Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, Chemistry and Engineering and are also concerned with many other subjects like Health and Medicine, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Crop Management, Ecology, Bio-Cell, Soil related science and Soil Conservation,  Seed Technology etc.

On one hand, it caters to the industrial sector such as food and beverages industry, textiles industry, biological products, medicines, and pharmaceuticals while on the other it caters to the requirements of agriculture, animal husbandry, nutrition and environmental conservation.

Let us have a look at the top careers in biotechnology in India:

  1. Research Assistant/Research Scientist: This is one of the most prominent career options for Biotech graduates in India. Biotech graduates in India can easily find work in a government entity such as universities, research institutes and even in private research labs. Or they may find opportunities in specialized biotechnology companies or biotech-related companies such as pharmaceutical firms, food manufacturers, aquaculture and agricultural companies.
  2. Research Consultants: Research companies and KPOs hire biotechnology consultants for market research, knowledge process outsourcing, audits, R&D etc.
  3. Marketing Specialist: Many must be wondering what marketing a Biotech graduate does. In biotechnology, one would manage and conceptualize campaigns specified to particular customer areas, by working with advertising agencies and maintaining a visible presence at medical conferences and trade shows.
  4. Sales Representative: As a sales representative, one would work with hospitals, doctors and a wide range of medical institutions to make them aware of what the latest offerings of biotechnology are, as well as trying to show them the USPs of your product over the rival products so as to make them prefer your product.
  5. Life Science Expert: Life Science related companies also like to hire Biotech graduates as there is a huge scope of work they can do there ranging from research to quality control. Having studied molecular biology, applied sciences, and fundamental cell, biotech graduates are well equipped to take up jobs in the plant, animal or microbial biotechnology laboratories or in horticulture, food science, commerce, and teaching.
  6. Laboratory Assistant: As a laboratory assistant one’s key responsibility areas will be sampling, measuring, collecting and analyzing investigated data. Maintenance of laboratory equipment is also one of the tasks only these specialists can do. Laboratory tests are very important especially when the hazardous material is under investigation. Besides using typical lab equipment in work – technical analysis of given data is also important. Knowing high-quality laboratory work becomes helpful for later research and development stages.
  7. Forensic DNA Analyst: These experts generally work with crime laboratories where DNA analysis is performed to solve legal issues. Urine, saliva, blood, hair samples could be used for DNA analysis. After sample collection, DNA is extracted and analyzed using various methods. Final results are further compared with the already known DNA profiles.
  8. Animal Caretaker: Animal caretakers nurture animals used in biotech research. List of species is long ranging from mice and rats to cows and chimps. Water and food supplies, cage cleaning, animal health monitoring, relocation, milking. A lot of tasks are to be performed.


(Source- The expected salaries have been taken from The average salary bracket for Biotechnology jobs in India is Rs.1, 80, 000 – Rs. 12, 00, 000)

These are few top careers in Biotechnology in India. In coming years, jobs in Biotechnology sector are expected to increase at a rate faster than that of any other industry. In case you require any further information you may please leave a comment with us.