Have you missed out on these as a part of your RBI Grade B preparation?

RBI Grade B Test Preparation

If a career in banking is your target, then you surely would be looking forward to the RBI Grade B recruitment. With 163 vacancies under General-DR, the competition is going to be cut-throat. Smart study, foolproof strategy and determination will take you to the final selection.

You all might be preparing for the RBI Grade B phase-I exam, but do you really know if your preparation is in the right direction? Will you be able to qualify for the phase-II?

Don’t worry. This post talks about important points that you need to remember as you accelerate your RBI Grade B preparation. This post not only streamlines your preparation but also helps you devise test taking strategy.

As we move further, let’s glance through RBI Grade B phase-I exam pattern.

RBI Grade B exam pattern

There are 4 sections, namely, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language and General Awareness. The paper is dominated by General Awareness section.

Section Number of questions Maximum marks Composite duration:

120 minutes

General Awareness 80 80
Reasoning Ability 60 60
Quantitative Aptitude 30 30
English Language 30 30
Total 200 200

Important points you shouldn’t miss

As you shift the gear of your preparation, don’t forget these important points. A small move off the track can make a huge difference in your final selection. Prioritizing and structuring your study plan should help you to increase your score.

Focus on the topics that carry significant weightage and as a golden rule, go through previous year questions. Let’s explore section-wise important points.

General Awareness

  • As we all know, General Awareness section is the deal maker in any bank/SSC exams. This is one the scoring sections.
  • You should focus on the Indian Economy related questions and RBI policies. For instance- There were approximately 55 questions based on the Indian Economy and RBI policies.
  • The best practice to master in current affairs is to make a synopsis of current events of last six months.
  • The golden rule is to go through GA questions of all the exams conducted by RBI and IBPS. Often, questions are repeated in banking exams.
  • You can enroll for CL’s annual GS pack– over 100 GK articles to keep you abreast of the current affairs.

General Awareness Snapshot

(a) Banking Terminology & Economy Updates– Monetary policies, Rules & guidelines, Financial & economic updates, facts and figures pertaining to the Indian economy

(b) Current Affairs – National & international events including awards, sports, summits and agreements

(c) Static GK and important Govt. schemes

English Language

  • As per the past trends, Reading Comprehension features 8 questions. The passage is generally based on economy or banking. Often, fill in the blanks (single blank, two blanks and cloze test) dominate the paper.
  • You should focus on Grammar Rules & vocabulary.
  • Practice 4-5 sets of these topics to improve speed and accuracy.

Reasoning Ability

  • The only way to score good marks in the Reasoning Ability section is to ‘practice’. The more you practice, the better will be your speed and the bright will be your chances to score more.
  • 4-5 questions are asked from the following topics. Hence, it is advisable to focus more on these topics.
    • Blood relations
    • Sitting Arrangement (Circular)
    • Coding-decoding
    • Inequality (x>y and y<z …)
    • Data sufficiency
    • Assumption and inferences
    • Syllogism
  • To learn tips and tricks of ‘coding-decoding’ & ‘inequality’ based questions, read on our blog. Gauge your preparation with our sectional tests.

Quantitative Aptitude

  • While attempting QA & DI questions, target for 100% accuracy to save time and fetch more marks.
  • As per past trends, the paper is more oriented towards Data Interpretation (DI) rather than arithmetic type questions. DI questions carry 15 marks weightage. Trigonometry, coordinate geometry and logarithms are not asked in the paper.
  • Quantitative Aptitude questions are largely based on Permutations & Combinations, Averages, Profit & Loss, Time & Work, etc.

While you devise our test taking strategy, keep the following in mind:

(i) Make it a habit to regularly take mock tests. You can enroll for CL’s RBI Grade-B phase-I test series or RBI Grade B comprehensive test series.

(ii) A score of 100+ can be achieved only through time management and conceptual clarity. Time management and proper selection of questions are two golden rules to ace RBI Grade B Officers exam.

Keep practicing and wish you luck from team CL!