RBI Grade B Phase I Result announced!!

RBI Grade B Phase I Result announced

Finally RBI has disclosed the cut off for the RBI Grade B 2017 Phase 1 (prelim)exam. Also, candidates can check their respective scores by clicking here.

Section wise and aggregate cut off -:

General Awareness Reasoning English Language Quantitative Aptitude Aggregate
General 16.50 11 6.75 4 78
OBC 12.50 8 5.25 2.50 68
SC/ST & PWD 11 6.75 4.75 2 64


RBI Grade B Phase I Result announced!! The wait of Phase I results for all RBI Grade B aspirants is over. Reserve Bank of India has today announced the names of shortlisted candidates for the next stage of the recruitment procedure for their Grade-B. The candidates are shortlisted on the basis of the Prelims (Phase-I) held on 17th June 2017.

The shortlisted candidates can check their names on the list at


The result is displayed in a PDF file containing the roll numbers of the shortlisted candidates.

Many congratulations to all the candidates who have made it to Phase II and those who have not, need not be disheartened, all the best and give next attempt your best shot. Click here to check our detailed analysis of RBI Grade B Phase-I exam.

Phase-II is scheduled to take place on 7th July 2017. The final results will be decided on the basis of Phase-II and interview scores.

Stay Tuned for further details like admission letter and information about timings for Phase II exam to be soon updated.

Meanwhile reading our post on RBI Grade B Phase-II strategy may help you. To accelerate your preparations for Phase-II visit our RBI Grade B home page by clicking on this link.