RBI Grade B 2017 Cut-off declared!

RBI Grade B 2017 Cut Off for Phase-I declared!

The Reserve Bank of India has declared the RBI Grade B 2017 Cut Off list for Phase-I examination on June 30th ,2017. The examination for which was conducted on June 17, 2017.

RBI has now declared the Test wise and aggregate RBI Grade B 2017 Cut Off marks in Phase- I examination  for shortlisting the candidates for Phase-II examination for the post of Officers Grade-B (General).

Candidates who appeared for Phase-I examination can check the RBI Grade B 2017 Cut Off marks in the table below:

Section GA Reasoning English QA Total
Max. Marks 80 60 30 30 200
General 16.50 11.00 6.75 4.00 78.00
OBC 12.05 8.00 5.25 2.50 68.00
SC 11.00 6.75 4.75 2.00 64.00
ST 11.00 6.75 4.75 2.00 64.00
PWD 11.00 6.75 4.75 2.00 64.00


Candidates can  also check their RBI Grade B Phase-I examination results by inserting their roll number and Date of Birth – Click here to check your result.

The phase-II online examination will be conducted on July 7, 2017, for the candidates who have qualified the phase-I examination. Phase-II exam will be conducted in two shifts. It is mandatory to appear in both the shifts.

With only 6 days left for the phase-II exam, you can boost your preparation and practice ahrd with CL’s RBI Grade-B phase-II test series.

Start now and stay ahead of the competition.

Wishing RBI Grade-B phase-II aspirants all the very best.