Not so popular Government jobs in India

Aspirants are not aware of the vacancy in various Government sectors

Not so popular Government jobs in India

Are you a government job aspirant? The post on Government jobs after class 12th might be useful for you.

Now-a-days, people are aspiring for government jobs as it bring along job security, handsome salary and perks and social status. Read further, why you should go for a government job? The problem in getting a good government job is that many aspirants are not aware of the vacancy in various Government sectors. To enlighten you on various job options, we bring to you a post on vacancies in Railway and Metro rail jobs.

Gain more insights into job opportunities through this post. This post talks about the Government Jobs that are not so popular among aspirants.

  • Defense Contractor: it is an individual corporation. This corporation provides products and services to the Government’s military and intelligence department. India spends billion dollars to purchase its arms and ammunitions and Defense contractor act as a middle man. Its products typically include civilian or military aircraft, vehicles, ships, electronic systems and weaponry. This job exists strictly on contract basis not on government payroll though there are some exceptions.
  • Power Finance Corporation: Power Finance Corporation Ltd. is one among the Navratna companies. It is the financial institution and back bone of India’s Power Sector. Initially, it was wholly owned by the Government of India but in January 2007 the company issued an IPO, which was oversubscribed by 76 times and it is the largest in recent times for any Indian company. Many awards have been conferred upon PFCL. It is one of the dream companies for many to work in.
  • Water and Power Consultancy Services (WAPCOS): Working under the Ministry of Water Resource of Indian Government Water and Power Consultancy Services is a premier consultancy organization. It is a mini ratna company that has a global presence in more than 50 countries. This company offers consultancy services in the fields of power and infrastructure and water resources. The over-charging rates of other consultancies like Price water house Coopers (PwC) and Mckinsey fed up the government and it came up with WAPCOS.
  • Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB): For the maintenance, operation and administration of Bhakra Nangal Project, Bhakra Management Board was constituted in the year 1966. It manages the operation of the Dam since October 01, 1967. The Government of India and the states of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Chandigarh appoint its members. From 1976 BMB was renamed as BBMB Bhakra Beas Management Board and started managing Dams on river Beas. Since then it is engaged in the regulation of water and power supply to the government of above mentioned states. The BBMB operates, regulates, and manages Ganguwal, Bhakra Dam, and Kotla power stations. If ITI professionals and Civil engineers know about it, it offers a great opportunity for them.
  • Manganese Ore India Limited (MOIL): This Mini-Ratna Company is manganese-ore mining company. It is a state owned company headquartered in Nagpur, India. MOLI operates 7 underground mines and 3 opencast mines. MOILs deepest underground manganese mines in Asia is the BALAGHAT mine. The largest manganese ore producer in India with 50% market share. It is ranked 486 among top 500 companies in India and fortune 500 has ranked it in 9th position because of which it is considered one of the best mining companies to work for.
  • Hindustan Organic Chemical Limited: Indian Government owned company HOCL Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited is based in Mumbai. HOCL was established to reduce our dependence on import of organic chemicals and to become indigenous manufacturer of basic chemicals. Its products are Acetone, Phenol, Nitrobenzene, Nitrotoluenes, Chlorobenzenes Aniline, and Nitrochlorobenzenes. They make Basic Organic Chemicals which includes Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Plastics, Resins & Laminates, Dyes & Dyestuffs, Rubber Chemicals, Textile Auxiliaries, Paints, and Explosives. It will be a good opportunity for chemical engineers to work for HOCL.
  • Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SSCL): Coal India is not the only giant to search for when anybody searches for job in coal mining. SCCL is also there. The SCCL known as Singareni Collieries Company Limited is a public sector undertaking, jointly owned by the Union government and Telangana government with 51% and 49% of stake respectively. The Union Government’s administration of the company is through the Ministry of Coal. You may have never heard of SSCL but it is one of the oldest coal giants of India, which was founded in the year 1920. It currently operates 32 underground mines and 16 opencast mines in 4 districts of Telangana. The coal extracted by SCCL in the Godavari valley coalfield up to the year 2009-10 was about 929.11 million tonnes. SSCL operates with 62,805 employees.
  • Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR): The Indian Council of Medical Research is one of the largest and oldest medical research bodies in the world. It is the apex body in India for the coordination formulation and promotion of biomedical research. Government of India funds ICMR through the Department of Health Research. Now this fact is surely going to blow your minds off, ICMR runs 26 national Institutes! Yes, 26 Institutes. I doubt that medical professionals even know about this. These institutes are premier in the field of research and are spread out all over the country. They address themselves to research on specific health topics like leprosy, cholera and diarrheal, TB, viral diseases including AIDS, nutrition, vector control, food & drug toxicology, oncology, reproduction, medical statistics, etc. ICMR have everything that you could think of in the field of medical research.
  • Scooters India Limited (SIL): It might be hilarious considering that scooters are out of Indian roads, but SIL- Scooters India limited is doing surprisingly well it still functions properly and take recruitments. The good news is that it is a government undertaking and is based in Lucknow, UP. Government of India in 1972 bought the machinery of the Milanese factory (Lambretta), and created Scooters India Limited in order to produce the Lambro three-wheeler for the domestic market under the name Vikram. As of 2011, its production centers on 3-wheeler Vikram that is powered by Lambretta engine. It also produces spares for the GP/DL range of scooters.
  • Coir Board of India: The coconut fiber industry in India COIR deals exclusively in development and promotion of coconut fiber known as coir. The Coir Board is a statutory body established by the Government of Indiaunder the ‘Coir Industry Act 1953. It is the statutory body established under the “Coir Industry Act 1953” by the government of India. The headquarters of the Coir Board of India is in Kochi with training and research centers in Kalavoor, Alappuzha. The coir is one of the traditional industries in India that is still at its peak. It has regional offices in different parts of India and employs more than & lakh persons.

If you aspire to be a part of nation’s economic development by working in government sector, hurry up! Grab the opportunity, prepare for government and bank job interviews and turn your aspiration into reality.