NICL AO 2017 phase-I result out!

NICL AO 2017 Scale-I Phase-I result out!

NICL AO 2017 Scale-I phase-I result is announced!

National Insurance Company Limited- NICL invited application to fill up 205 vacancy for the post of Administrative officer- AO Generalist through NICL AO scale I 2017 notification. Now, NICL has announced the NICL AO 2017 Scale-I phase-I result.

Along with the Cut-off marks of NICL AO (Scale I) Phase I exam NICL has also released the list of candidates qualified for NICL AO 2017 scale-I Phase II 2017 exam.

Candidates who appeared for NICL AO scale-I prelims examination 2017 can check their names in list for Phase-II examination. Click here to check the list of candidates qualified for NICL AO Scale-I Phase-II examination.

Also, check the NICL AO Scale-I cut-off marks 2017 over here.

We wish you all good luck. Stay connected for more updates!