MDI 2018 shortlist released: Check your result now!

MAH CET 2018 Admit Card

Seeking admission in MBA 2018-20 programs at Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon?The MDI 2018 shortlist has been released!

Management Development Institute or MDI Gurgaon has declared the list of students who have been selected for the 2nd stage of admission process of their MBA 2018-20 programmes namely, PGPM, PGP-HRM, and PGP-IM.

MDI 2018 Results: Check your result now

  1. Visit the official MDI result portal.
  2. Log in with your CAT 2017 registration number and email id.
  3. Check whether you’ve been shortlisted or not.


Candidates have been shortlisted on the basis of their CAT 2017 result. Shortlisted candidates will now have to appear for Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) rounds conducted by MDI during February and March 2018.

MDI Gurgaon is one of the prestigious and highly ranked B-schools and is a dream destination for MBA aspirants.

Previously, we posted about TISSNET 2018 and NMAT 2017 results.

Stay tuned for more updates!

All the best!