The Last Lap to CAT 2017!

The last lap to CAT 2017

Every smart runner knows that the last lap of the race requires more caution as the adrenaline levels are the highest at this point. Similarly, it is crucial that you maintain your pace in this last lap. With 3 days left for CAT 2017, your focus should just be on relaxing, keeping your nerves calm and trusting your preparation so far.

It is essential that you don’t let pressure occupy your mind space. Spend this time revising the important formulae, bookmarked questions, and analyzing all the mocks that you have taken so far. If you wish, you can take one more mock over the next few days. Analyze the mock the same day.

In these last few days, it is vital that you avoid the urge to use a different approach or test a new strategy. Stick to your plans and remember that with CAT around the corner, giving into such urges can prove costly. Take a backseat. Let your mind relax. Watch a movie/TV Series, read a book, clean the house (if that helps).

Put your best foot forward on the D – day. Tune into CAT Analysis & Cut off page to find the analysis of both the forenoon and afternoon slot. Find out your predicted CAT score on the basis of your attempt and use the first-ever artificial intelligence based percentile predictor, from CL, to know your expected percentile in CAT 2017.

Stay tuned for a special webinar with GP on this years’ CAT paper at 4:30 pm for the forenoon slot (Slot 1) and at 8:30 pm for the afternoon slot (Slot 2) @

Don’t forget to check out our popular blogs like CAT 2017 Unplugged7 Rules to Excel in CAT QA Section, and CAT 2017 Sample Paper Decoded for some tips and hacks to improve your performance in CAT 2017.

We have more in store as the MBA Exam season unfolds.

All the very best on behalf of Team CL!

Update: Catch CAT 2017 First Impressions by GP and Team CL now LIVE on