IBPS SO VI Exam 2016 result declared

IBPS Specialist Officer VI result declared!

An important news for bank aspirants, IBPS Specialist Officer VI result is declared!

IBPS- Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection has released the result of IBPS  Specialist Officer VI recruitment exam 2016. The candidates who wrote IBPS SO VI 2016 exam can check their IBPS Specialist Officer VI result here.

IBPS had conducted the exam on 28th and 29th January, 2017 to fill over 4,000 posts in specialist officer cadre. In the common recruitment process undertaken by the IBPS as many as 20 banks are participating.

The last day to check IBPS specialist officer VI result on the official website is 13th February 2017.The candidates will have to key in their login ID and password to check the result. They also have to download and take a printout of their result.

The candidates who qualified in the 2016 IBPS Specialist Officer VI result will further be called for group discussion and interview. Candidates can download their call letters for interview till 24th February, 2017. Interview round will start from March and provisional allotment will begin from or after 1st April, 2017.

We wish you good luck!