IBPS SO 2017 Results Out: Check your scorecard now!

IBPS SO 2017 Results

 The IBPS SO 2017 Results has been released by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). IBPS SO 2017 preliminary exam was organized by IBPS for the post of Specialist Officer.

How to download IBPS SO 2017 Results

  1. Click on the following link: http://ibps.sifyitest.com/crpspl7nov17/ressd7spa_jan18/login.php?appid=3c118e93237181d49dfc0756a7b470de
  2. Enter your registration number and password which you must have received upon online application.
  3. Download your IBPS SO 2017 Results

At the time of registration, you must have received a registration number and password. Your password is the same as your date of birth which you’d have entered when applying for the exam.

Selected candidates should appear for the IBPS SO Mains Exam scheduled to be held on January 28, 2018.

The preliminary exam was conducted on 2nd, 3rd, 9th and 10th December 2017.

Before that, the notification for IBPS Clerk 2017 was released on 6th September 2017. According to it, the Mains exam is scheduled to be conducted on 21st January 2018.

For eligibility criteria, syllabus, mock tests result declaration and more information on IBPS Clerk exams, you may download the official IBPS guide in English and Hindi.

Don’t forget to visit our IBPS Exam Corner for analysis of previous years’ exams.

Previously, we posted about the declaration of IBPS PO Prelims 2017 results, and the Online Application for IBPS Specialist Officer VII 2017.

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