IBPS RRB V Main exam’16 result declared!

IBPS PO Prelims 2017 result

The Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection has declared the results of IBPS RRB V Officer main exam’16. The main examination of IBPS RRB V Officer scale I, II and III was conducted on 11th December 2016.

The result window was activated on 20th December 2016 and last date for closure of result window is 27th December 2016. The candidates would have to key in their roll number or registration number along with their date of birth or password.

Candidate can check there IBPS RRB V Main exam’16 scale I results, Scale II  and scale III results.

See if you wish to check out the exam analysis of the IBPS RRB main exam 2016.

The result of IBPS RRB Office Assistant conducted on 18th December 2016 is yet to be announced.