Beyond entrance: How to get a Government or Bank job

Beyond entrance: How to ace bank job interviews

Jobs in the Government ministries and Public Sector Banks (PSBs) are one of the most coveted jobs in India. Not only respect and rank, these jobs bring with them job security, perks & allowances and additional benefits. Year after year, candidates across diverse educational backgrounds viz. Engineering, MBA, B.Com, B.Sc. appear for Govt./bank job exams.

A common myth that prevails in the society is that qualifying competitive exams conducted by SSC, IBPS, SBI, RBI or any other institution will guarantee you a job. However, this is not universally correct. Many a times, candidates with good score are not able to make it to the final merit list.

This post aims to enlighten you on the selection procedure beyond the exam.

We all know that the first stage of any recruitment procedure is the written exam. Mere qualifying the written exam is not the end of the battle. The real battle begins after that.

Let’s read further to develop the skills required to ace bank job interviews and make it to the final list.

The objective of bank job interview is to assess the mental and psychological behavior of the candidates in pressure. The candidates should be well versed and follow etiquette to score more.

  • Don’t get stressed

The trick to succeed in an interview is not to panic and answer with full confidence. The best way to skip a question is to admit the truth about it. If you try to bluff, you might get into further trouble.

  • Be Patient

Patience is the key to success. You should be calm and composed while waiting for your turn. Don’t lose your mantle. It is essential to keep hold of your nerves till your interview gets over.

  • Believe in yourself

Stay optimistic and remember you have left no stone unturned, from preparing for the written exam to that of appearing for the interviews. Don’t let your hard work go waste. Go for the interview with full confidence and smile on your face without worrying for the final result. Whatever the result might be, you must not lose hope.

  • Do not over estimate your prospect

You should never portray yourself as the best candidate in front of the interview panel. The best practice is to speak with balance and define your qualities in humble manner. Don’t boast too much about yourself. That might backfire on you.

  • Be prepared with current affairs

Interview questions are often based on current affairs and important national and international events. Be well prepared for such questions. Your answers should be crisp, to the point and intellectually motivated.

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  • Be ready in a good attire

As it is said first impression is the last impression. Make a pleasant impact on the interviewer. Being dressed in formals imprints a positive effect. Go for something which makes you feel confident and makes you get going.

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