Points to ponder while filling CLAT 2017 application form

Points to ponder while filling CLAT 2017 application form

Are you preparing for CLAT 2017?

The Common Law Admission Test CLAT is conducted on rotational basis by 18 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admissions to their UG and PG degree programmes.  Hope you are aware of the CLAT 2017 update. CLAT 2017 aspirants should fill the CLAT 2017 application form correctly and completely. Incomplete and incorrect information will lead to disqualification of candidature.

This post aims to give you a clear and careful guidance on filling your CLAT 2017 application form. You just have to follow the steps mentioned below.

Steps to fill the CLAT 2017 application form:

Prior to filling the application form candidates are required to register themselves with CAPS- CLAT online Application Process System. The CAPS interface is provided in the official website of CLAT 2017. You have to provide your name and date of birth (as it appears in Xth class certificate), father’s name, mother’s name, a working mobile number, a password and a valid E-mail address.

Do not use somebody else’s mobile number and E-mail address because most of the information may be sent through SMS. E-mail address should be unique for all candidates.

  • CLAT 2017 application form can be filled online only. Candidates are strictly advised to carefully read the instructions before filling the form.
  • To apply, you have to login to your account by clicking Already Registered and key in the User Id and Password received after the registration with CAPS.

(While applying keep these information ready with you: Personal details, correspondence address including Pincode, front facing photograph of size not more than 100 KB, JPG/JPEG format (30 mm x 45mm) and signature maximum 80 KB in JPG/JPEG format, scanned copy of the documents supporting SAP Certificate in PDF format only, and the choice of CLAT examination cities).

  • After logging in, you have to key in your personal details such as category, gender, address etc. Then you will be asked to fill in the details of your educational qualification. Here you have to enter the grading mechanism, year of the qualifying exam (passing or appearing), Board or University name etc.
  • Next step is uploading the documents. The applicants have to upload their recent passport size photograph with name and date. Photograph should be colored with clear background. Signature will be accepted in white page only and scanned copy of SAP certificate after filling in the required information in the CLAT 2017 application form. Scribe declaration form is also uploaded in case of SAP candidates.
  • Do not SUBMIT the application until it is filled completely. Incomplete applications shall not be considered. You can always save partially filled in application form and can resume filling in by logging in again.
  • Check for the correctness of the entered information and uploaded documents. After ensuring that there is no error, read the declaration and accept the declaration before submitting the application. You cannot make any changes once the application form is submitted.
  • Next step is to proceed to make the CLAT 2017 Application form payment.
  • To know how to fill CLAT 2017 form please visit You tube link

Carefully fill in the details in the application form and upload the correct and valid documents, including signatures and photographs. Any application which is incomplete and does not have the required valid documents in any respect will be summarily rejected. For any other information, you may visit the CLAT official website http://clat.ac.in/


Also read, How to prepare for CLAT 2017?

Be prudent, All the Best!






  1. Mam/Sir

    I’ve submitted the application form of CLAT 2017. I’ve applied for reservation (resident of UP) but there was not option of uploading domicile certificate or any other certificate except SAP certificate.

    So I’ve not uploaded any certificate other than Photograph and signature.

    Is it a mistake?

    • Dear Lavish,
      They are not asking for any document other than Photograph and signature
      Documents to be Uploaded with Online Application. The original certificates/documents issued by the competent authority as specified in the CLAT-2017 Information Brochure are to be submitted to the allotted University only at the time of admission. The relevant photocopies of the certificate are required to be self-attested. Photograph and signature of the candidate need not be attested while submitting the Online Application Form.
      The scanned photocopies of the documents to be uploaded in the PDF/JPG / JPEG format by all the candidates are:
      Front facing passport size recent photograph with clear lenses (30 mm x 45 mm) [JPG/JPEG Format, size not more than 100 KB].
      Signature of the candidate [JPG/JPEG Format, size not more than 100 KB].
      The scanned photocopies of the documents to be uploaded in the PDF format by a candidate depending on the applicability are:
      Certificate of impairment for Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and Scribe Declaration Form by the Scribe in the prescribed format.
      The certificates/documents listed above are essential requirements for admission to the UG and PG courses, if applicable to any candidate.

    • Dear Ashish,
      You cannot make any changes now. It can only be done after final submission. You can fill in a new application form.

  2. sir , i have filled CLAT 2017 LLM form. Now to apply for 3 PSU’s in it i have to again fill form by going on these psu websites?

  3. Filled in the wrong aggregate for 12th, will I still be selected? Get a chance to maek changes? Or be disqualified?