Maximize your score: Tips to ace Commerce board exam

maximize your score in commerce board exam

Every student is worried about their percentage in Commerce board exam. A very genuine question asked by each student – How do I score 99% in commerce board exam? What are the tips & strategy to prepare Accountancy, Business Studies and Economics? While science folks are worried about mastering formulae, memorizing concepts and practicing numerical based problems, commerce students face a different kind of challenge. Read, tips to boost your score in Science board exam. They have to get their calculations right, deal with vast syllabus and study business-related terms and jargons. By this most of the concepts should be crystal clear to the students.

To help you come out with flying colors and score a good percentage, we are sharing some tips and strategies to prepare for commerce board exams. Let’s go through them briefly.

Prep tips for Accountancy 
Questions on company accounts, cash flow statements and partnership carry 60% weightage in the board exam paper. Attempt these first. Calculate each & everything properly and show proper working notes. In case of journals, you must draw up a proper format and must write narrations. Keep in mind to go through all illustrations and give formulae for ratio analysis questions. Also refer to CBSE sample papers, Double Entry Book Keeping by CS Garewal besides the NCERT, as there are limited questions for practice.

Prep tips for Business studies 
Business Studies is a very scoring subject. The only thing you have to do is stress on presentation of answers. In Business Studies paper, if you forget the point don’t worry, write any related point or write the explanation without the heading and underline within the explanation. Marks will be awarded for this also, but, it does not mean that you don’t write the heading at all. Only write the points in the questions with words like ‘enumerate’ or ‘list’. Explanation of each point should not be more than five to six lines. Try & write headings as given in the NCERT book. Do not forget to give examples wherever possible. Start the answer from the extract given in the question. Questions that ask ‘Do you agree with this statement,’ start the answer with your viewpoint i.e. ‘yes, I agree OR no, I don’t’. While doing revision, recall the points of the first three chapters first and then keep on adding another two chapters. The important chapters include delegation and decentralization, financial management, formal and informal organization and marketing management etc. 

Prep tips for Economics
Stick to the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE. Be neat in presenting your answers. Prepare effective notes of definitions, terms and important points chapter wise, to suffice the final revision before the exam. Practice and draw neat-labeled diagrams as un-labeled diagrams do not convey any meaning. Hone up your analytical skills and use schedules & diagrams to revise the concepts. Understand the reasons for the relationship between variables – such as total product and marginal product, total fixed cost and average fixed cost etc. Try and reduce your writing time to ensure sufficient revision time. While revising the paper, ensure that you have written the correct equations and formula – following a logical pattern, copied correct values from the question to answer, etc.

Just relax! Have faith and follow these tips, you can score more than you have expected. The hard work throughout the year will pay you off well.

you might also like to read our post on preparation tips for Mathematics board exam and quick revision tips for board exam.

All the best for your Commerce board exam!





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