AILET result 2017 declared!

AILET result 2017 declared!

Great news for LAW hopefuls, keenly waiting for the AILET 2017 result! AILET result 2017 has been announced!

National Law University- NLU Delhi has announced the All India Law Entrance Test- AILET Result 2017 on 24th May. The AILET 2017 exam was conducted on 7th May for admission of students to its five year integrated under-graduate and two year post-graduate courses. Candidates who wrote AILET 2017 exam can check their names in the AILET result 2017 list over here.

AILET 2017 result has been announced along with category wise merit list and cut off for AILET 2017 exam. According to the AILET 2017 result as many as 73 candidates have been shortlisted in the first merit list for under-graduate course. Check your names in the first merit list of AILET 2017 result over here.

The AILET 2017 result also mentions the *All India Rank- AIR of candidates, of which the 1st and the 2nd rank holder are LST students from Mumbai and Bhubaneswar respectively. Congratulations to CL-LST students!

We wish good luck to all of you!

*Results under audit.