Want to excel in class X Mathematics Board exam? Follow these 7 tips

Math Board exam preparation tips

CBSE class 10th Board examinations will commence from March 09, read our post on CBSE released class X datesheet, hence students are left with only a month to calibrate their preparation. It is a peak time and should be judiciously utilized for revision rather than mugging up bundles of books and wasting time. You know what! MATH ‘a difficult subject from ages’ is a very scoring subject. It is the fundamental subject that cannot simply be crammed; students are required to put in more efforts for a scheduled and strategic Math Board exam preparation. Read, the secret of effective exam preparation.

Bringing a solution to your problem and confusion, we are sharing Math Board exam preparation tips and tricks.

Before moving on to Math Board exam preparation tips, let’s just take a quick glance at the chapters covered in the gamut of Math syllabus in Board exams.

  • Real Numbers
  • Polynomials
  • Pair of linear equation in two variables
  • Quadratic Equation
  • Arithmetic Progression
  • Circles
  • Area related to circles
  • Triangles
  • Trigonometry
  • Constructions
  • Surface Area and Volumes
  • Probability
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Statistics

Heading towards preparation tips to ace Math Board exam paper:

  • Prepare appendices: The very first and the most important tip is to solve varieties of question and exercise in the same format so that you memorize all the formulae and concepts. This will help you to unravel the technique used to solve those questions and will give a clear understanding of the subject. Once you learn them, prepare a list of all important formulae and concepts for quick revision.
  • Time management: Always try and answer CBSE previous year papers and sample papers within the time constraints of the official exam. This will help you manage your time during exams and also increase your speed in attempting the paper.
  • Pay attention and clear doubts: If there are any doubts, take help from your friends, teachers or parents and clear it as soon as possible, do not skip any topic. Practice a few questions from previous chapters as you study a new chapter. Pay attention to details, a single misplaced decimal sign or positive or negative sign can lead to an incorrect answer in questions you otherwise know.
  • Books to prefer: Keep this in mind that you have to complete your NCERT text book along with all exercises and solved examples thoroughly.  You can also practise from R.S. Aggarwal text book along with it for more questions.  More than 95% of board exam paper revolves around these two books sometimes even with the same numerical values in the questions.
  • Writing improves answering style: Always write questions even if you know them mentally. While practising, write down the steps to solve You can always use a column in your answer sheet for rough work during exams. All these process help you gain marks.
  • Previous year papers: once you think you have completed with the syllabus and all you need is to practise, then try out past years’ questions, at least past five year question papers. Also, practise the sample papers published by CBSE.
  • Math is a routine task: Mathematics is all about practise. Practise as much as possible to gain proficiency in Math. Make it a habit to study something in Math everyday irrespective of whatever other subjects you have planned. Practice makes a man perfect.

Follow the above tips and you will surely never face any trouble in Math in any future exams.

We have also covered a post on 12th board exam stress solution, you might like to read it.

All the best to all of you!