SNAP 2016 result declared!

SNAP 2016 result declared!

All those who appeared for the SNAP 2016 written exam and are eagerly waiting for the final day, your wait is over now. The Symbiosis National Aptitude Test- SNAP  2016 result is declared!

The SNAP 2016 exam organizing body Symbiosis International University has declared the scorecard of SNAP 2016 today on 9th January 2017. The SNAP 2016 exam was conducted on December 18 2016.

Candidates can simply click here to check their SNAP 2016 result and download their scorecard.

While checking the SNAP result, candidates are advised to keep their hall tickets with them. To check the SNAP 2016 result on the official website, candidates  have to login using their SNAP application number and date of birth.

All the best!

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  1. Sir, i got a score of 53 and a percentile of 81.5653. Is there a chance that i ll get a call from any institute? What all can i apply now? I have already applied SCMHRD SCM(bangalore) and SCM(Pune)

  2. Sir, with 98.08 percentile in SNAP, is SIBM-Pune possible? If yes, what should be the order of preference when compared to SCMHRD. Awaiting your reply Thanks.