SSC CGL Tier-I 2016 exam result declared

14.82 Lakh candidates appeared across the country

2016 SSC CGL exam result out !

SSC CGL Tier I exam 2016 was conducted from August 27 to September 11, 2016. The re-examination for candidates for the second shift batch-II on August 27, 2016 was conducted on October 27, 2016. The result of SSC CGL Tier I exam 2016 was declared on Tuesday, November 08, 2016.

Approximately 14.82 lakh candidates out of 38.04 lakh registered candidates, appeared in 96 cities in 44 batches across the country.

To check your result, Click Here.

The number of candidates qualified for different papers of Tier-II on the basis of SSC CGL Tier I exam, 2016 is mentioned below

Paper-I and II: Total candidates 1,49,319

Paper-III: Only for posts of Junior Statistical Officer Grade-II/Compiler 28,234

Paper-IV: Only for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer in CAG 45,293

List of cut-off marks (Out of 200 marks):

Category UR (General) OBC SC ST Ex.S
Cut-off Marks 137.00 125.50 114.00 103.00 92.00

SSC has declared the marks of SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016. Candidates can check their marks HERE.

Important Information for SSC CGL Tier-II aspirants:

  • SSC CGL Tier-II exam, 2016 is scheduled to be held from 30.11.2016 to 2.12.2016. CGLE 2016 Tier-II will also be a computer based examination.
  • Marks of the qualified and non-qualified candidates of Tier-I will be uploaded shortly on the Commission’s website


Kick start your CGL Tier-II preparation. Explore our CGL Tier-II programs. You can enroll for our classroom or test series program.