How to prepare Quant Section for SSC CGL Tier II 2016

New exam pattern and phase-III exam introduced for the first time

How to prepare Quant Section for SSC CGL Tier II 2016

You all must be aware that SSC has released the official answer key of SSC CGL Tier-I 2016. With this new buzz around the corner, your Tier-II preparation must be in full swing. With new exam pattern and phase-III exam introduced for the first time, the competition gets tougher with each level of the selection process.

Let’s look at previous years’ cut-offs.

Tier-I + Tier-II cut-offs (out of 600)

Posts 2015 2014
Posts other than Statistical Investigator/Compiler UR- 430.75

OBC- 411.00

SC- 373.00

ST- 359.25

UR- 426.00

OBC- 398.75

SC- 365.50

ST- 349.75

Posts of Statistical Investigator/Compiler UR- 554.75

OBC- 523.00

SC- 468.25

ST- No vacancy

UR- 467.75

OBC- 436.25

SC- 391.25

ST- 355.25

Non-interview posts UR- 410.25

OBC- 387.00

SC- 345.00

ST- 327.50

UR- 397.25

OBC- 365.00

SC- 331.50

ST- 308.50

Tax Assistant posts No vacancy UR- 393.00

OBC- 359.00

SC- 323.75

ST- 301.00


Paper-I (Numerical Ability) of Tier-II

  • Similar to Tier-I exam, SSC CGL Tier-II is a computer based test.
  • Quant paper in Tier II is an objective paper consisting of 100 questions each of 2 marks. There is a negative marking of 5 marks.
  • As the Numerical Aptitude (Paper-I) carries an equal weightage as other papers in Tier II, hence it is essential to focus on Paper-I along with Paper-II and III.

Quant strategy for Tier-II

In this post, we will discuss strategy for quant section. This will help you in emerging out with flying colors in Tier II.

Quant section basically tests your arithmetic and advanced math. The questions asked are based on class X-XII mathematics. The art lies in using shortcuts and tricks while attempting the questions.

The arithmetic part consists of:

L.C.M & H.C.F based questions

  • L.C.M & H.C.F
  • Time and Work
  • Pipes and Cisterns
  • Number System

Ratio-Proportion based questions

  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Mixtures and Alligations
  • Partnership

Percentage based questions

  • Percentage
  • SI-CI
  • Profit, Loss and Discount

Speed based questions

  • Time and Distance
  • Boat and Stream

The advanced math is divided into geometry, mensuration and trigonometry.

Let’s divide quant preparation into three stages.

  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3

Level 1:

  • Majority of questions are asked from arithmetic. Hence, it is advisable to build a good command over these questions.
  • As discussed above, pick up a particular part and finish it. Practice questions from previous years’ papers and mock tests.
  • Completing topics one by one will encourage you to do more and boost your confidence.
  • To begin with you can enroll for CL’s SSC CGL sectional tests and then eventually move onto CL’s SSC CGL Tier-II mocks.
  • The advantage of taking mock tests is the exposure to wide array of questions.

Level 2:

  • Once you are thorough with arithmetic, around 60% of the paper is conquered.
  • As quant section is vast and can’t be covered in the blink of eye, hence strategizing the remaining 40% along with ample practice is the key to success.
  • In the advanced math part begin with geometry and mensuration. Memorize basic formulae and conversion units.
  • For Trigonometry, remember sines, cosines and other values of frequently used angles. Focus on diagram based questions in advanced math portion.

Level 3:

  • You should focus on improving your speed of attempting and solving the paper.
  • For speedy calculations, it is advisable to memorize square roots and cube roots till 30 along with multiplication tricks.
  • Always try to minimize the use of pen and paper while solving quant questions. This ability can be achieved by practice and more practice.

Mock tests key to success:

  • By solving mock sets you get a fair idea about how many questions you are able to attempt in the stipulated time.
  • You should solve at least two mock papers in online mode to acquaint yourself with the pattern.

All the best!

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  1. […] If the sections of an entrance test are listed every time one writes about it, it becomes synonymous with starting every movie with a hackneyed plot. Such a movie would provide entertainment to the audience through a plot that would differ only in parts. Therefore, rather than going into a cursory look at all the sections, we provide details of the quantitative aptitude section dedicated to Mathematics. Read, How to prepare quant section of SSC CGL. […]