UPSC has announced the result of CS Preliminary examination 2016


The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the results of the Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2016. The examination was conducted on August 07, 2016.

Those of you appeared in the exam can check their results in the Roll Number pdf released by the UPSC. Click here to check your results.

Candidates who have qualified in this Preliminary examination will have to appear for the Main exam. Subsequently, the Main qualifiers will be called for the interview. The final selection will be made on the basis of the marks obtained in the Main examination and the interview.

Successful candidates have to fill a Detailed Application Form DAF (CSM), for the Civil Services Main 2016 exam. DAF (CSM) form will be available on the UPSC website from October 07 to 20, till 6:00 pm.

Before filling up the ONLINE DAF, the candidates have to first get themselves registered on the relevant page of the UPSC website.

The Main Exam of Civil Services is scheduled to be held from December 03, 2016.

Civil Services Prelims 2016 qualified candidates are advised to refer to the Rules of the Civil Services Examination, 2016 published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) of Department of Personnel and Training Notification available on the same website.

The marks, cut off marks and answer keys of CS Preliminary Examination, 2016 will be uploaded on the Commission website only after the declaration of the final result of Civil Services Examination, 2016.

For any further clarification regarding their result, candidates may contact on all working days between 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM on Tel. No. 011-23385271, 011-23098543 or 011-23381125 or, in person from Facilitation Counter near the Examination Hall Building in its Campus at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi.

The results of Roll Numbers:  0618691, 0634752, 0719476, 0980111, 0892863, 0147967, 0891391, 0767132, 0993625, 1075321, 0682468, and 0612141 have been withheld as the issue regarding their candidature is subjudice.

Congratulations to the Prelims qualifiers and all the very best for the Civil Services Main 2016 exam.

Stay tuned for exam updates and GK articles.