DU JAT 2016 Analysis

DU JAT 2016 Exam Analysis
DU JAT 2016 Exam Analysis

Did you appear for DU JAT 2016?

DU JAT 2016 – Joint Admission Test for enrolment in Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) 2016 was held on June 20, 2016, between 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The exam was conducted by the University of Delhi.

We are sure, you would be anxious to know more about DU JAT 2016.

To view the Answer Key of Joint Admission Test, DU JAT 2016 – Click Here

Joint Admission Test, DU JAT 2016 Analysis

DU JAT 2016 – Joint Admission Test for enrolment in Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) 2016 was held on June 20, 2016 between 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The exam was conducted by University of Delhi. The pattern of the exam is on the same lines as that of the last year. Each question carried three marks and there was a negative marking of one mark for each incorrect answer.
There were broadly four sections of the paper, wiz General Awareness, General English, Analytical & Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude with 30 questions belonging to each section. Overall, the level of the paper was moderate.

The pattern of the paper is as given below:

Name of the Section

Number of questions

Difficulty Level

Good Score

General Awareness




General English




Analytical & Logical Reasoning




Quantitative Aptitude





General Awareness Analysis in DU JAT 2016
Most of the questions in this section were from current affairs with a few questions from culture. In current affairs, business related questions dominated while a few questions were from the sports arena. Besides these, a few questions of International affairs were asked as well. A good score in this section would be between 40-47.
The breakup of this section is as follows:


Number of questions

Static GK


Current Affairs





General English Analysis in DU JAT 2016
Like last year, this year too, questions were mostly based on vocabulary. Questions on synonyms, word meanings and idioms were of a moderate level of difficulty. A slight twist in the pattern from that of last year’s was the appearance of para-jumbles. Five para-jumbles of moderate level of difficulty were asked. One easy passage with five questions was asked.  Questions on fill in the blanks and vocabulary could be attempted by understanding the context of the sentences. A score of approximately 53-58 would be a good score in this section.

The breakup of this section is as follows:


Number of Questions

Reading Comprehension






Fill in the blanks


Word meaning, Vocab







Analytical & Logical Reasoning Analysis in DU JAT 2016
A majority of questions in this section were based on, Arrangement and Comparisons. A few questions were from puzzles, series, coding decoding and blood relations. Surprisingly, none of the questions based on data interpretation appeared this time. A good score in this section would be 60 – 65.

The breakup of this section is as follows:

Topics Number of Questions
 Arrangement 11
Comparison 5
Series 1
Coding – decoding 2
Analogy 2
Mathematical puzzle 3
Blood relation 1
Matrix Puzzle 1
Syllogisms 2
Statement conclusion 1
Cube and dice 1
Total 30


Quantitative Aptitude Analysis in DU JAT 2016
A majority of questions were based on higher Mathematics. The section had a good mix of questions from areas like Set theory, Relations and Functions, Calculus, Co-ordinate geometry, Vectors, Inequality etc. The difficulty level of these questions ranged from moderate to difficult. A score of around 55 – 60 could be considered a decent score.

The breakup of this section is as follows:

Topics Number of Questions
Set theory 1
Relation and Function 3
Limits 1
Coordinate Geometry 1
Vector 1
Geometry 1
Matrices and Determinants 2
Sequence and series 4
Probability 1
Binomial Theorem 2
Logarithm 1
Trigonometry 1
Permutation and combination 3
Average 1
Equation/ Inequality 6
Time and work 1
Total 30


There has been a revised notification from DU. According to the same, there will be GD PI round for the BBE program as well.

Please note: All information on cut-offs, analysis, answer key and scores are based on independent analysis and evaluation made by Career Launcher. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.

In case of any query about DU JAT 2016, free to leave connect via the comments section below. We will keep you posted about updates on the same.

Stay connected!



  1. Hi Akshat,

    Most likely as per CL expert team, the DU JAT 2016 cutoff should be between 195-200 for general category students. All the best!

    • Hi Shruti,
      Though, it’s difficult to predict at this time, however, with a general category score between 160-165, chances are that you should get through the BBE (in 1st or 2nd counselling). However, the probability of getting through BBA program is very bleak. We wish you luck!

    • Hi Nitesh,

      204 is a very good score and there are bright chances that you will get a call from all the colleges. Please do share your doubts and we shall respond to the same. Best wishes with you.

    • Dear Varun,
      230 is surely a good score. Though it depends on the cutoff, however, with this score, you can get a call from this college. Stay positive and stay connected.

  2. I’ve passed my class 12th in 2015 with 60.4%. And this year, i gave Cbse Improvement exams in all subjects and got 70%. Will i be eligible for admission this year?

  3. I’ve passed my class 12th in 2015 with 60.4%. And this year, I gave Cbse Improvemdnt exams in all subjects and got 70%. Will i be eligible for admission?

    • Dear Neeraj,
      If you have appeared for the DU JAT exam, then, yes you are surely eligible. Wish you luck for your career!

    • Hi Aman,

      With 166, 1st counselling seems difficult but there are chances that you will get a call in 2nd counselling. Wish you luck

  4. I have got so many doubts and had no one to answer them! I think i am fortunate to find this! The things i want to ask-
    1. I had given my improvement exam last year am i eligible for admission in BBE?
    2. I have secured 166 marks. Do you think i can get a seat in BBE?
    3. Will there be a GD and INTERVIEW for BBE?
    It will be really nice of you to respond!

  5. I had so many doubts regarding DU JAT and no one to answer them, i think i am fortunate to have found this site. The doubts i have-
    1. I had given improvement exam last year, am I eligible for BBE?
    2. According to the answer key i am getting 166 marks, will i be able to get a seat in BBE?
    3. Will there be a GD and INTERVIEW for BBE admissions too?

    • Dear Swagata,
      At CL, we are focussed on helping the student fraternity always and we are happy to help students in achieving their career dreams. Coming to your query:
      1. Yes, you are eligible.
      2. The score is less so you may or may not get a call. Cross your fingers.
      3. No GD/PI for BBE admissions
      All the very best!

  6. In question number 90 it looks option C but its D in key.
    In question number 66 it looks option D but in key its A.(I am pretty sure about this one).😀
    In question number 19 it looks option B but in key its C.
    And question number 10.
    If possible pls give the explanation for above questions as well!!!

  7. Comment:By Answer key, I’m getting 218/360 marks (Gen). I have some questions-

    1. Do I stand chance in CBS/Khalsa for BMS?
    2. What is the schedule for GD-PI & final merit release by university?

    • Dear Prajjwal,
      That’s a good score and you sure should get a call. Wish you the very best!
      There will be a notification regarding the schedule of GD/PI.
      Stay connected!

  8. Mam, I got a total of 198 marks. Got 14 correct in GK, 26 in LR, 9 in maths and 21 in English. Maths was very bad. Can I still make it to Sukhdev?

    • Dear Harshita,
      There is no sectional cut-offs, so, there is a high chance that you get a call from Sukhdev. Stay positive

  9. Hello maam.
    My exam series is 11. Can u pls gve solutions of the following ques
    Q. 31, 42, 48, 50 and 95.
    I would be greatful if u could also tell the cutoff marks for gd pi last year ie 2015.

    • Dear Ankita,
      Please refer to the answer key given above. You may also visit the nearest CL center or contact your mentor for additional clarifications.

  10. Hello ma’am, my brother is getting 215 approx in the test and his board percentage is 84(science stream). what are his chances of getting BBA/BMS at a decent college?

  11. Mam i got 255/360 but i am doubtful that i may convert to sscbs , but if my GD/PI go fare will i be able to make it.

    • Dear Hrishi,
      That’s a great score. Your hard work should really help you get through. Stay focused for your GD/PI prep. Wishing you the very best!

    • Dear Chirag,
      Most likely as per CL expert team, the DU JAT 2016 cutoff should be between 195-200 for general category students. All the best!

  12. Hello Ma’am!! M sorry m asking a lot of questions. I’ll be very grateful to u if you answer these questions.

    1. I m getting 155 marks in DU JAT according to your answer key. I belong to “SC” category. Will i be able to get BMS in Sscbs or Sgtb Khalsa if i perform averagely in GD/ PI?
    2. What should i do to perform good in GD/ PI?
    3. Will i be able to perform good in GD/ PI merely on my high confidence, bcoz i m not very good in business n commerce, as i m from Science stream.
    3. Is this year’s cutoff likely to fall a little in comparison to last year due to difficult Maths n General Awareness section? What’s ur opinion on this?

    • Dear Neeraj,
      As you have the category advantage, you might get a call. However, you will have to perform really well in the GD/PI.
      If you are a CLite, you already might have attended GD/PI sessions. Feel free to connect with your mentors/center for the same.

      Confidence surely is an important requisite, however, that’s not the only factor to GD/PI success. You may refer to GD DO’s & Don’ts at http://exams.careerlauncher.com/tips-symboisis-gd-sessions/

  13. Hello ma’am,
    My brother has scored 220 in JAT according to key and hisboards percentage is 84(best of 4 in science stream). What are his chances for BMS/BBA courses?

  14. Mam,according to your answer key i am getting 193 marks.I am in obc(ncl) category .what are my chances fos SSCBS BMS or BFIA.

  15. My score is expected to be around 210. With a decent gd/pi, will I be able to get into any of the three colleges offering bms?

    • Dear Shrey,
      That surely is a decent score. As per CL expert team, you are likely to get a call. Wish you the very best!

      • Is there gd/pi in bbe as well as I heard of change on criteria? Can I het bbe in 178+ score ? Also what college?

        • Dear Astha,
          You can expect a call for the BBE program
          As regards the other query, there is no GDPI for admission to BBE program.
          All the best!

    • Dear Mudit,
      That’s a great score. Stay positive and prepare well for the next round.
      You may connect with the nearest CL center or your CL Mentors and attend the classes for the same.

  16. Hello ma’am,
    According to the answer key of du, I am scoring exactly 209 marks, and 90.75% in class 12th boards. Are there any chances of getting a call from SSCBS? Also, there was a little ambiguous question in the answer key (series 11, Q96), can we challenge it?

    • Dear Rashi,
      That’s a good score and you can get a call from CBS.
      Continue to perform well in the GD/PI. We wish the very best!

  17. My total according to ur answerbook is 192(general)
    – can i get bms or any other cource with this score
    – I saw on the du site that there will be no value of 12 th marks for bbe is it true or they are still needed
    – Do i have a higer chance or lower chance to get bbe

  18. Mam i hope to get a score of around 205 (general category). Can i hope to make it to the CBS BMS course with a decent interview if i do get a call?

    • Dear Ajay,
      205 is definitely a good score. Stay positive and you should be able to make it, subject to a good performance in GD PI.
      Wish you the very best for the same.

  19. I am getting around 180 marks…(gen)
    What is the topic of group discussion… what should I study to perform well (if I hopefully got call for interview). Please tell me the topics in business awareness that I should learn… Also should I brush up some economics!!!!

    • Dear Hitarth,
      Stay positive and prepare well for the next round.
      You may connect with the nearest CL center or your CL Mentors and attend the classes for the same.

  20. Mam i hope to get a score of around 200. Can i make it to CBS BMS course with a good GD PI session if i do get a call from CBS?

    • Hi Ajay,
      That surely is a decent score to get a call. Continue to put your best foot forward in the GD PI. All the best!

  21. Mam, actually I’ve also cleared BHU UET for BA (H) Social Sciences with 24th rank. The date of counseling at BHU & DU JAT results is the same i.e. July 4, 2016. If I’m not selected in CBS ahead, I may even lose admission in BHU & left with nothing else. How to solve this dilemma?

    • Dear Prajjwal,
      Yes CBS will not be a sure shot thing, as everything depends on the performance in GD /PI.
      However, you can call (CBS) and ask them for an alternate time some, if possible.

  22. Ma’am in my opinion there is a mistake in the answer key of series 21, it should be option C. In questions 12 and 53 instead of option B. And A. Respectively. Please do have a look. Thankyou!

    • Hi Saksham,
      The official answers are also out and the answers are not wrong. You may check again.
      Wishing you the best for your career!

  23. Will there be gd /pi for BBE ? It was mentioned in the bulliten that it will be conducted for all the courses . Will they be considering board marks ?
    With a score of 135 will I be able to fetch a seat for BBE in any college ?
    Female , General Category

    • Dear Aishani,
      Here are the responses to your query:
      1. No GD/PI for BBE.
      2. Yes, there is weight age given to board marks as well.
      3. However, 135 is a low score to get a call. You will have to wait & watch.
      All the best!

  24. Do admission in BBE also require gd/pi?
    Of not when can I get admission there? Do I have to wait till gd/pi is conducted?
    I got 204 in it

  25. My daughter expect score 216.I got her admission in BBA at NMIMS Mumbai the cost of course and stay is huge. How are chances in Shahid sukhdev and how do you rate this against NMIMS

    • Dear Navin,
      Firstly, your daughter has scored well and she should get a call from Shahid Sukhdev. She needs to continue with positivity and put perform well in the GD PI. Considering the NMIMS Fee, you can definitely consider Shahid Sukhdev as the preferred option.
      Best wishes for her career!

  26. I am score 103 as per answer key . What is the possibility that I can get a call for bbe ? And I am in general category. .

    • Dear Harsh,
      We cannot predict these dates and you will have to await the notification, which will get updated on their official site.

  27. Mam, I got 180 in written exam from answer key. Can I get a call from saheed sukhdev for gd/pi…..
    And what are the expected date for written exam result to be out…..

    • Dear Ayush,
      With a score of 180, it seems difficult from CBS. As regards, the dates, stay updated with notifications on the official website.

  28. mam i also think that the answer of ser 21 q 12 is c
    pls tell the correct answer with solution.
    i my brother is getting 193 score can he get a call for gd pi

    • Dear Sonia,
      Your brother can get a GDPI call. However, you will have to wait & watch.
      You may refer to the answers in the answer sheet linked above.
      Best of luck!

  29. Hi! Can someone please tell when the shortlisting will come for the written exam of 20th….? Its 27th already and according to google gd pi was supposed to take place in june end…..

    • Dear Divyansh,
      You will have to wait for the official notification, which will be updated on their official website.

  30. I have scored 188 as per the DU answer sheet.i belong to general category.
    1. Will I get a call for BMS?
    2. How is weightage of 85% calculated on this score of 188?

  31. With answer key provided, I am able to get 202 score. How the final score is calculated. whether GD/PI score taken separately for each college or Final ranking matters.

    • Dear Isha,
      85% is the weight age of score and 15 % is your performance in GD/PI and then the overall score is considered.

    • Dear Navya,
      Though college preference is an individual decision and college ranking depends on ROI, Placements, Fee, Infrastructure etc, however, basis most parameters here is the suggested preference that you may like to consider: SSCBS, NMIMS, Symbiosis Pune, Christ.

  32. As per the key provided, I am able to score 202. What are the chances of getting in BMS/BFIA/BBE.
    How much I have to score in GD/PI

  33. Respected Maam
    With a score of 198,what are the chances of getting an interview call from CBS?
    Also, are separate interviews conducted for every college or a centralised interview is conducted and based on our performance a college is allotted?
    Thank you

    • Yes Nimisha, there are bright chances of you getting a call.
      There will be a centralised interview and based on your final score, you will get the intimation about the same.
      All the best!

  34. hello ma’am.. but I wanted to know isn’t the criteria for BBE changed as well with 85%written n 15% to gd/pi..which is going to be same as bms?

    • That’s right Astha. As per the revised notification there will be GD PI in BBE and the criteria remains the same.

  35. hello mam,du has given its answer key and ans for q54 is a and q 66 is d set 21 pls tell the correct answer.

    thank you

  36. There has been a revised notification from DU. According to the same, there will be GD PI round for the BBE program as well.

  37. mam i have checked the answer key linked above but the answers are different in du answer key its q 54 a and q 66 d unable to decide which answer kry to follow.

  38. Hello maam.
    I wanted to know if I get any college in BBE with 170 180 score with this new criteria?What is the approximate cutoff for BBE . Or is it that only BMS BFIA shortlisted students will get this course too ?

  39. Mam with a score of 150 sc category is it possible to get sscbs bms or bfia and my friend scored 130 sc category too is it possible to get any bms course for him.

    • If you have got the call (which, I am sure you would have) perform well in GD/PI and you can definitely get the desired course. Best of luck!

  40. I have been called for the gd/pi on 8th july(9:45 pm) venue:ramanujan college.
    what shall i prepare for my interview and gd. And is this the only interview for all colleges(and every branch) or every college will call us separately

  41. “No” is appearing against my name in DU JAT 2016 results. Is it applicable for BBE as well? or there will be separate list for BBE? If yes, is this final list or there will be subsequent 2nd/3rd list?

  42. Dear Mam
    Tks for your guidance, by your wishes I got call my DU Jat BMS score was 219. I need to know when they give Final result. My GD PI on 7th July. I hv deposited fee at NMIMS and their last date is 10 th July

  43. Now that the results of the written JAT/2016 are out, a few queries:

    (a) What (according to you) were the category-wise cut-offs (Gen/OBC/SC/ST etc) ?
    (b) Why have 4,667 candidates been called for GD/PI for a total of 733 seats (excluding those to be decided by the University) ?
    (c) How are the seats allocated for BMS (GG, TB and R’mjn – 46 seats each) and for BA(Hons) Biz Eco (GG, TB and Khalsa – 46 seats each) ?
    (d) With 840 candidates to be put through GD & PI per day from 5 through 9 July and then some on 10 July, what kind of ‘evaluation’ does the University expect to achieve (in your opinion, of course)?

    • Here are the responses to your queries:
      a. The list will be released by DU only in next few weeks. Would advise you to wait and watch out for the same.
      b. The students called for GDPI are always more than the seats, so that the best can be shortlisted.
      c. You may check the official site
      d. They are the experts sitting there who can manage it efficiently.
      You just on your preparation and go ahead for the same. All the best!

  44. the interview schedule is out, ma’am.
    however as opposed to the 1000 people qualifying ever year, this year nearly 4500 people have been called for the GD/PI sessions.
    Why is that?
    ma’am will the marks of our JAT be released sometime later?

    • They have increased the no. of seats with respect to last year and they have called students for GD/PI for other courses as well.

  45. I am not able to check my result as my roll no. Is not being displayed in the list. What to do now ? Can you suggest where I can report to for the problem?

    • Dear Navya,
      The cut off has not been released. Students are already informed. If there is ‘Yes’ in GD PI, then you will get informed.

    • Dear Nupur,
      They usually take at least a week to announce the result after GDPI round. Cut off will be declared on the DU site itself.

    • Dear Pooja,
      If her GDPI went well then are bright chances of her getting a call. They usually take at least a week to announce the result. You will have to wait & watch.

    • Arunima – Good chances. The score is good, purely depends on your GD PI, others performance too. At this stage, you can wait for the result that should be out in a weeks time probably.

    • Vaishali – Good chances. The score is good, purely depends on your GD PI, others performance too. At this stage, you can wait for the result that should be out in a weeks time probably.

    • Aanish – The score is good, purely depends on your GD PI, others performance too. At this stage, you can wait for the result that should be out in a weeks time probably.

    • Sanyam – Can’t comment on the basis of the rank. If you have got the GD PI call, then focus on your GD PI preparation.

    • Nimisha – Can’t comment on the basis of the rank. The overall score is dependent on your performance in GD PI as well.

    • Ajay, Can’t comment on the basis of the rank. The overall score is dependent on your performance in GD PI as well.

  46. I’ve got overall rank 958 (Gen) in JAT. I’m afraid I won’t get any decent college under DU. I’ve secured admission in BHU. Is it worth trying further for DU or joining BHU is recommended?

    • It’s a doubtful score but it’s worth trying for DU. If you have got a GDPI call, put your best foot forward in the GDPI, else you have a back up.

  47. Mam I got 194 marks in entrance nd 1029 after gd/pi i got 1029 rank in general category.i want to ask in which colleges i am elligible nd for what courses

  48. Mam

    My final rank is 334 in general category. Which college I will get. Could you rank all the college, courses at least till my rank

  49. Maam I have got 1719 rank in jat 2016. Are there any chances of getting bbe or bms? My jat score is 175, so please confirm whether gdpi will be considered for bbe admissions?

    • Can’t comment on the basis of the rank. The GDPI sessions are happening now. If you have got the call, concentrate on performing well in the same.

  50. Mam As per DU answer key released there is difference of marks ( 6 marks ) in my entrance test.
    I have wrote a mail but no reply my rank is 334 it can go up to under 250 ….

    what is process ….

    Further BMS course in Ramanujan started but GuruGovind singh not appearing

  51. Respected mam
    My rank is 203 sc category rank
    Mam i hav mad a mistak in my du portal by mistake i have written 50% of 12 marks today only
    Please guide me mam what to do

  52. my entrance test marks as per DU answer key was 219 while as per result the percentage wise it is 213 so less by six marks .. Where to raise complaint ,as Help desk say no provision to take complaint. But how a candidate can only know check after result .

    • You have to connect with DU authorities only. Write an email(with complete details) or call as they are the ones who can change it.

  53. Respected mam
    I am confused can u plz tell me where 1st admission list to come in du home or seprately
    Plzz tell me

  54. Ma’am I would like to know what are the chances that the eligibility criteria would be same for the next year(2017) too? And also what are the chances that board result will be taken into consideration for final rank in 2017? as this year (2016) board result was not considered.

    • Dear Raghav,
      This was the first time that board exam result was not a consideration. Though we would like to mentor you on all aspects, However, we cannot comment any of your queries as it is purely a DU decision.

  55. My du jat rank os 438. I haven’t applied in bbe course in first counseling and now i m not getting option for further BMS counselling. I m already in good bcom h college but i want to get into any bms college. Now what should i do??

    • Bhagat, If you haven’t got call for BMS course then you might not be selected for the same. If that’s the case then our suggestion is to continue with B.Com (H) from a good college is a better option.