RBI Grade B Phase-II results announced

RBI Grade B Phase-II

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has declared the result of its Grade B Phase-II Exam 2017. The aspirants waiting for the interview can now see the wait being over as RBI has finally announced the list of roll numbers of selected candidates. A total of 573 candidates are called for interviews. The RBI Grade B Phase-II 2017 was held on 7th July 2017. Phase-II is the second stage of selection procedure of RBI Grade B 2017. The first stage being Phase-I Exam held on 17th June 2017.

The shortlisted candidates can check their names on the list at


The result is displayed in a PDF file containing the roll numbers of the shortlisted candidates. Also, candidates can check the additional information for the shortlisted candidates at the following link


The interviews will begin from 1st August 2017. Mark list & category wise cut – off for the above examination, will be displayed on the website after completion of the selection process and declaration of final results of the recruitment.

Many congratulations to the shortlisted candidates and those who have not been shortlisted, need not get disappointed, all the best and give your next attempt your best shot. Click here to go through our detailed analysis of RBI Grade B Phase-II exam 2017.

The final results will be decided on the basis of Phase-II and interview scores. Meanwhile, you can read our posts on interview tips. To read about general Dos in an interview click here. To read about what to expect in a banking interview click here.

For a complete know-how of RBI Grade B visit our home page by clicking on this link.

All the best!!