NABARD recruitment 2017, Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ post!

NABARD Recruitment 2017!

NABARD Grade ‘A’ Preliminary Examination 2017 will be held on 5th August 2017. Admit Card is now available for download.

Click here, to download your admit card.

NABARD- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development has released NABARD  recruitment 2017 notification, inviting applicants to fill up 91 Assistant Managers ‘Grade A’ posts for different disciplines in the Rural Development Banking Service- RDBS and 9 Assistant Manager ‘Grade A’ posts in various disciplines in Protocol and Security Services- PSS.

Candidates interested, can apply online for NABARD recruitment 2017 notification for Grade A- Assistant Manager Post on the official website. Online registrations are open and last date to apply for Assistant Managers post:

  • For Protocol & Security Services in NABARD  it is 12th July 2017.
  • For RDBS in NABARD it is 10th July 2017.

For more information on NABARD recruitment 2017, Assistant Manager Grade A posts in Protocol & Security Services click here.

Eligibility Criteria for NABARD Grade A post in PSS as on June 1, 2017:

Age Limit: Candidate must not be less than 25 years and more than 40 years of age. No age relaxation for any category.

Experience: Candidate must be an officer with minimum of 5 years of Commissioned Service in Army/Navy/Air force.

Job requirements:  Candidates will be responsible for-

  1. Watch and Ward arrangements as to internal security, passages, entry and exit points, surveillance through CCTV, monitoring, recording etc. in the Bank’s Office Buildings,
  2. Protocol duties,
  3. Maintenance/Security of Bank’s properties and (iv)Control over the staff deployed for the purpose.

For information on the eligibility criteria for NABARD Grade A post RDBS click here.

We wish good luck to all! Stay connected for more updates on NABARD exams and notifications.